Requires 15 hours:

Select nine hours of courses above the 100-level9
Select one upper-level course from Group III. World Religions 3

The department provides advisors for students pursuing a minor. Up to 3 hours of coursework completed outside the department may be counted toward the minor and no more than 3 hours of directed reading may be counted toward the minor. No NLL course may count toward the minor.

A concentration in religion and public engagement for declared majors and minors in religious studies requires 15 hours and provides an opportunity for students to undertake a community-based study of educational, economic, cultural and political development strategies, and action.

REL 332Religion and Public Engagement3
Select one of the following:3
Approaches to the Study of Religion
Ethnography of Religion
Religious Traditions and Human Rights
Religion, Ethics, and Politics
REL 288Field Program in Religion and Public Engagement (an internship)3
Select two Elective Courses related to the community partner’s context, history, and values *

Elective courses may be chosen from other departments and programs with approval from the RPE committee.

III: World Religions

REL 233Religious Ethics and Moral Problems3
REL 263The Religions of Japan3
REL 264Jesus and Buddha3
REL 265Culture and Religion in Contemporary Native America3
REL 280God, Gods, and the Ultimate3
REL 282Religion and Culture in China3
REL 306Ritual Studies3
REL 329Chinese Medicine3
REL 339Religion, Power, and Society in Modern Africa3
REL 343Religion, Culture, and the Body3
REL 349Asian Meditation Practices3
REL 354Meditation and Mindfulness Practices3
REL 359Hinduism in America3
REL 360Hindus, Muslims, & Sikhs in North America3
REL 361Topics in Buddhism3
REL 362Topics in Islam3
REL 379Muslim Youth3
REL 380Islamic Bioethics3
REL 381Zen Buddhism3
REL 383The Quran and the Prophet3
REL 384Islam and Law: Varieties in Interpretation and Expression3
REL 385Topics in South Asian Religions3
REL 386The Mahābhārata: Heroes, Demons, Women, and War.3
REL 387Priests, Warriors and Ascetics in Ancient India3
REL 388South Asian Women: Religion, Culture and Politics3
REL 389Islam in the West: Changes and Challenges3
REL 391Topics in East Asian Religions3
REL 392Topics in First Peoples' Traditions3
REL 393Topics in Religions of Africa3