A minimum of fifteen credit hours is required to graduate with a minor in Jewish Studies. Courses for the minor are approved by the Advisory Committee of the Jewish Studies Program. The courses must be from at least two departments, at least three must be upper level courses
(200 level or above).
No more than six credit hours of Hebrew or another Jewish language can be counted toward the minimum number of courses required.

COM 339Practices of Citizenship *3
ENG 364Advanced Studies in Literary Criticism *3
ENG 371American Ethnic Literature *3
ENG 377American Jewish Literature *3
GER 212Introduction to German Short Fiction3
GES 337National Identity Formation3
GER 350German-Jewish Literature and Culture3
GES 351German-Jewish Literature and Culture3
HST 235The History of European Jewry from the Middle Ages to the Present3
HST 236The Nazi Holocaust to 1941 (Rise of Nazism, Jewish Responses, Global Reaction)3
HST 237The Nazi Holocaust from 1941 (War, Genocide, and Aftermath)3
HST 239Jewish History in the Americas3
HST 305Medieval & Early Modern Iberia3
HST 31020th Century Eastern Europe *3
HST 312Jews, Greeks and Romans3
HST 320Write and Record! Diaries and Memoirs of the Nazi Holocaust3
HST 321Zionism, Palestine, and Israel in Historical Perspective3
NLL 111
NLL 112
Elementary Hebrew
and Elementary Hebrew
NLL 153Intermediate Hebrew3
NLL 211
NLL 212
Hebrew Literature
and Hebrew Literature II
NLL 311Aramaic3
NLL 314Readings from the Rabbis3
POL 242Topics in Comparative Politics (The Politics of Exile or The Politics of Exile and Diaspora) *3
POL 259Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict3
REL 113Introduction to Jewish Traditions3
REL 308Sacred Scripture in the Traditions of Abraham3
REL 310The Prophetic Literature3
REL 312The Critical Study of the Pentateuch3
REL 315
REL 316
Field Research in Biblical Archeology
and Field Research in Biblical Archeology
REL 317Wisdom Literature *3
REL 328Jewish-Christian Relations and the New Testament3
REL 355Jewish Identities: Religion, Race, and Rights3
REL 356Faces of Modern Judaism3
REL 357Jews in the United States3
SPA 331Medieval Spain: A Cultural and Literary Perspective *3

Indicates the course must be approved by the instructor and the Jewish Studies director.