Requires 27 hours beyond GER 153 to include:

Select at least one of the following:3
Introduction to German Short Fiction (offered only in Jena)
Encounters with the German-Speaking World
Introduction to German Short Fiction
Masterpieces of Austrian Literature (Vienna)
Select one of the following:6
German Film
Special Topics in German Film
National Identity Formation
History of the German Language
Weimar Germany
Select two of the following: *3
German Masterworks in Translation
Austrian Literature in Translation
German-Jewish Literature and Culture
German Women Writers
Germanic Myths, Legends and Fairy Tales
Special Topics in German Studies
The German Novel
German Classical Period
Select five electives **15

Students may take more than one course from the GES 390-GES 397 sequence for elective credit.


Two and only two of which must be from external departments (art, music, history, religion, political science, philosophy). See here for approved courses.