Degree Requirements

Course work must include the following:

PHY 711Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Methods *3
PHY 712Electromagnetism *3
PHY 741Quantum Mechanics *3
PHY 742Quantum Mechanics *3
PHY 770Statistical Mechanics *3
PHY 601Physics Seminar (seven semesters)3.5

Unless satisfactorily completed elsewhere.

Students must also take three elective courses at the graduate level (600 or 700 level), at least one of which must be in physics. A research advisory committee, appointed after completion of the written preliminary examination, determines the additional courses needed for the degree. Within eighteen months of completing the preliminary written examination, the student submits to his or her individual advisory committee and defends orally a dissertation research plan. This constitutes the oral part of the preliminary exam and upon passing it, the student can be advanced to candidacy. 

The research advisory committee meets annually with the student to ensure timely progress toward the degree. Upon completion of the research in the approved plan, the student writes his or her dissertation, presents it to the department, and defends it orally.

For additional degree requirements, see Requirements for Degrees.