Degree Requirements

Course work must include:

PHY 711Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Methods3
PHY 712Electromagnetism3
PHY 741Quantum Mechanics3
PHY 601Physics Seminar (each semester)1.5
Thesis Research7.5
PHY 600 or 700 level courses12
Total Hours30

 If serious conflicts arise (e.g. time conflict with other classes or teaching duties, exceeding allowed credit hours for part-time students),  departmental seminar series requirement may be waived for some semesters, at the discretion of the program director. These weekly seminars, in fields of special interest, usually feature outside speakers. The degree requires 30 credit hours; 22.5 hours of coursework with an average grade of B or above plus 7.5 hours of thesis research. At least 12 of the 24 hours must be in courses numbered 700 or above. The remaining 12 hours may be in either 600 or 700 level courses. All work must be completed within six years of the date of initial enrollment in the graduate program.

For additional degree requirements, see Requirements for Degrees.