Master of Arts

Program Director: Ron Von Burg


The program offers a master’s degree in interdisciplinary exploration of human questions, experiences, and challenges, drawing on diverse fields across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, as well as law, medicine, business, and divinity. Faculty from varied academic disciplines offer interdisciplinary seminars with a focus on integrating knowledge, thinking critically, and strengthening practices of analysis and communication. Students are encouraged to shape their studies around their particular interests and may enroll in directed studies as well as any master’s level course in the university with permission of the instructor.

Adult learners in any stage of life, from recent college graduation to preparation for post-career activities, are welcome to apply. No specific type of undergraduate degree or major is required. All applicants must show the ability to study in a graduate-level program, as indicated by a minimum of a B average in undergraduate studies. Further, the applicant’s writing sample included with the application should demonstrate capacities for reading comprehension, analysis of a topic, and clear writing.