SPA 622. Spanish Pronunciation and Dialect Variation. (3 h)

Description of, and practice with, the sounds, rhythm, and intonation of Spanish and the differences from English, with special attention to social and regional diversity. Strongly recommended for improving pronunciation. This course meets a N.C. requirement for teacher certification.

SPA 623. Advanced Grammar and Composition. (3 h)

Advanced-level review of Spanish morphology and syntax applied to the refinement of writing techniques.

SPA 630. The Debate about Woman in Late Medieval Spain. (3 h)

Explores romantic love in the Iberian Peninsula in the 14th and 15th centuries focusing on the debate about woman as an index of social changes happening at the moment.

SPA 631. Medieval Spain: A Cultural and Literary Perspective. (3 h)

Examination of the literary, social, and cultural themes, such as: Quests and Discoveries, Pilgrimage and the Act of Reading, Images of Islam, the Judaic Tradition in Spanish Literature, and Spiritual Life and Ideal.

SPA 632. Golden Age of Spain. (3 h)

Close analysis of literary texts, such as Lazarillo de Tormes, and study of the history of art, politics, and economics of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with emphasis on themes such as the writer and society, humanism, the picaresque, Catholic mysticism, and power and politics.

SPA 633. Don Quijote: The Birth of the Novel. (3 h)

Study of Don Quijote, the first modern novel, and several exemplary novels, and contemporary theoretical approaches to them. Considers related art, music, and film. Includes discussion of themes such as the development of prose fiction, the novel as a self-conscious genre, women and society, religion and humanism, nationalism, and imperialism.

SPA 634. Voices of Modern Spain. (3 h)

Study of the multifaceted cultural identity of contemporary Spain through different literary genres, art, and film.

SPA 635. Love, Death, and Poetry. (3 h)

Study of the representation of universal themes in Spanish poetry from different historical periods.

SPA 638. Fashioning Class, Gender, and National Identity in 18th/19th-Century Spain. (3 h)

Explores representations of social class, gender, and national identity in the literature and visual culture of Spain (fashion, illustrated press, etc.) of 18th/19th-Century Spain. Topics vary, but overarching themes may range from royal identity and Enlightenment to industrialization and middle-class culture.

SPA 641. European-American Encounters, 1492 to the Present. (3 h)

Study of the 500-year tradition of representations of encounter between Spain and the Americas, with special attention to the ways the topic is used to define and redefine individual and collective identities. Primary texts include narratives, plays, engravings, murals, films, and advertisements.

SPA 642. From Colonial to Postcolonial Voices. (3 h)

Study of a variety of texts from the 18th and 19th centuries dealing with political emancipation, nation-building, and continental identity.

SPA 647. Contemporary Theatre in Spain and Spanish America. (3 h)

Study of contemporary Peninsular and Spanish-American theatre within its political, social, cultural, and aesthetic context.

SPA 648. Contemporary Women Novelists and their Female Characters. (3 h)

Study of representative novels by women writers from Spain and Latin America, with emphasis on the representation of the female protagonist within her cultural context.

SPA 655. Romantic Nationalism, Avant-garde Nihilism, and the Deconstruction of Utopia. (3 h)

Study of Latin-American poetry, including symbolist, surrealist, and conversational poetry, “happenings,” and artistic manifestoes. Politics, nation-building, liberation theology, and love are common themes.

SPA 656. Transgressing Borders: Identity in the Literature of Latin American and U.S. Latino Cultures. (3 h)

A socio-historical study of theories on culture, sexual politics, and race in relation to literary texts, lyrics of popular music, and art of Latin America and the diaspora.

SPA 657. Spanish-American Short Story. (3 h)

Intensive study of the 20th-century Spanish-American short story with emphasis on major trends and representative authors, such as Quiroga, Rulfo, Borges, Cortázar, Donoso, García, Márquez.

SPA 658. Spanish-American Novel. (3 h)

Study of the novel in Spanish America from its beginning through the contemporary period.

SPA 659. Spanish-American Theatre: From Page to Stage. (3 h)

Study of the transition of a dramatic work from text to performance and the role of Spanish-American theatre as a vehicle for cultural values and sociopolitical issues. Includes rehearsals for the public staging of selected one-act plays. Proficiency in Spanish and willingness to act on stage are required.

SPA 660. Colonial Spanish America. (3 h)

Explores the early Spanish-American colonial period alongside contemporary intellectuals' attempt to return to and recover the historical past. Readings include 15th-and 16th-century codices, post-conquest indigenous writings, Iberian chronicles and letters, as well as 20th-century documents.

SPA 661. Fiction Literatures of the Mexican Revolution. (3 h)

Explores 20th-century Mexican cultural production as it relates to the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920). Readings include novels, short stories, popular poetry, and historiographic texts. Attention to Mexican muralism and cinema, and special emphasis on relationships between literature, history, and contemporary politics.

SPA 670. Film Adaptations of Literary Works. (3 h)

The development of Spanish from an early Romance dialect to a world language. Study of ongoing changes in the language’s sounds, grammar, and vocabulary system, with a focus on the effects of cultural history and relationships with other languages.

SPA 671. Contrastive Spanish/English Grammar and Stylistics. (3 h)

Advanced study of structure and style in a variety of Spanish texts, with an in depth approach to idiomatic expressions and some back/cross translation exercises.

SPA 679. Special Topics in Hispanic Linguistics. (3 h)

Investigation of key areas in Spanish languages research, such as dialectology, history, language acquisition, and usage.

SPA 681. Spanish Translation. (3 h)

Introduces translation strategies through practice, with emphasis on Spanish into English. Focuses on translating in domains such as social science, computing economics, the entertainment industry, banking, and journalism.

SPA 682. Spanish/English Interpreting. (1.5-3 h)

Introduction to strategies of interpreting from Spanish into English, primarily. Intensive lab practice course to develop basic skills in consecutive/escort/simultaneous interpreting. Some voice-over talent training is also included.

SPA 683. Medical and Scientific Translation. (3 h)

In this elective course, students will develop and refine a practical translation skill set within the scientific and medical domains. In addition, students will gain familiarity with textual conventions that govern source and target texts within these domains and deepen their understanding of both Spanish and English as language for special purposes. Apart from translation proper, students will also be able to analyze texts for register, style, tone and content to determine the most appropriate process to achieve the highest quality translation. Finally, students' research skills will improve through the examination of available resources and the creation of domain-specific resources.

SPA 684. Internships for Spanish Translation Localization and Spanish Interpreting. (2-4 h)

Under faculty supervision, a student undertakes a translation/interpretion project at a translation bureau or translation department of a company/public organization. A community service-oriented internship is preferred for interpreting.

SPA 687. Introduction to Spanish for Business. (3 h)

Introduction to Spanish vocabulary and discourse in business. Emphasizes oral and writtten practices, reading, and Hispanic business culture as well as a comprehensive analysis of different business topics and areaas. Two mid-term essays and final essays are required.