PSY 620. Physiological Psychology. (3 h)

Neurophysiological and neuroanatomical explanations of behavior.

PSY 622. Psychopharmacology. (3 h)

Survey of the influences of a wide range of psychoactive drugs, both legal and illegal, on human physiology, cognition, and behavior.

PSY 623. Animal Behavior. (3 h)

PSY 626. Learning Theory and Research. (3 h)

Theory and current research in learning, with emphasis on applications of learning principles for behavior modification and comparisons across species.

PSY 629. Perception. (3 h)

Survey of theory and research findings on various sensory systems (vision, hearing, touch, taste).

PSY 631. Research in Cognitive Psychology. (3 h)

In-depth examination of research in a selected area of cognitive psychology such as memory, attention, or executive function. Research projects required.

PSY 633. Motivation of Behavior. (3 h)

Survey of basic motivational concepts and related evidence.

PSY 638. Emotion. (3 h)

Survey of theory, methods, and research in the area of emotion. Developmental, cultural, social-psychological, physiological, personality, and clinical perspectives on emotions are given.

PSY 641. Research in Developmental Psychology. (3 h)

Methodological issues and selected research in child development. Research projects required.

PSY 646. Stereotyping and Prejudice. (3 h)

Research and theory on social and cognitive processes that underlie prejudice and discrimination.

PSY 648. Clinical Neuropsychology. (3 h)

Surveys connections between abnormal neurological processes and clinical abnormalities. This implies already having an understanding of normal brain function and anatomy.

PSY 651. Personality Research. (3 h)

The application of a variety of research procedures to the study of human personality. Research projects required.

PSY 655. Research in Social Psychology. (3 h)

Methodological issues and selected research in the study of the human as a social animal. Field research projects required.

PSY 657. Cross-Cultural Psychology. (3 h)

Examination of differences in psychological processes (e.g., attitudes, perception, mental health, organizational behavior) associated with cultural variation.

PSY 659. Psychology of Gender. (3 h)

Exploration of the psychological similarities and differences between human males and females, including consideration of social, cognitive, motivational, biological, and developmental determinants of behavior.

PSY 662. Psychological Testing. (3 h)

Theory and application of psychological assessment procedures in the areas of intelligence, aptitude, vocational interest, and personality.

PSY 663. Survey of Clinical Psychology. (3 h)

Overview in the field of clinical and other selected areas of applied psychology.

PSY 664. Prejudice, Discrimination, Racism, and Heterosexism. (3 h)

Comparison of cross-cultural similarities and differences in the initiation, maintenance, and treatment of prejudice, discrimination, and racism, with an emphasis on past and current trends in the U.S.

PSY 667. Parent-Child Relationships. (3 h)

Surveys characteristics of parent-child relationships and issues of parenting as related to a variety of factors, including developmental changes of parent and child, family structure, and sociocultural context.

PSY 674. Judgment and Decision Making. (3 h)

Theoretical and empirical examination of how people make decisions and judgments about their lives and the world, and how these processes can be improved.

PSY 692. Contemporary Problems in Psychology. (1.5 h)

Seminar treatment of current theory and research in specific areas within psychology. The course is one-half semester.

PSY 701. Current Topics in Psychology. (1.5 h)

Seminar courses in selected topics in psychology.

PSY 702. Current Topics in Psychology. (1.5 h)

Seminar courses in selected topics in psychology.

PSY 703. Current Topics in Psychology. (3 h)

Seminar course in selected topics in psychology.

PSY 715. Research Design and Analysis in Psychology. (3 h)

Intensive study of the design of experiments and the analysis of research data in psychology. Covers conventional methods, including univariate and multivariate analysis of variance, multiple regression, and factor analysis. Requires previous or concurrent coursework in basic statistics. Permission of instructor required.

PSY 716. Research Design and Analysis in Psychology. (3 h)

Intensive study of the design of experiments and the analysis of research data in psychology. Covers conventional methods, including univariate and multivariate analysis of variance, multiple regression, and factor analysis. Requires previous or concurrent coursework in basic statistics. Permission of instructor required.

PSY 720. Biological Psychology. (3 h)

Study of the biological basis of behavior and mental processes, with emphasis on current developments in neuroscience, and human applications of this information. Laboratory work in neuroanatomy and psychophysiology.

PSY 728. Human Cognition. (3 h)

Current theory and research on functional characteristics and neural correlates of cognitive processes in such areas as memory, attention, and language.

PSY 738. Learning and Motivation. (3 h)

Basic learning principles and concepts and related motivational concepts.

PSY 742. Seminar in Developmental Psychology. (3 h)

Critical examination of the major findings, principles, and theories of development, with attention to both human and lower-animal research.

PSY 752. Seminar in Social Psychology. (3 h)

Content and methodology of social psychology examined through a critical and comparative analysis of contemporary theory and literature. 

PSY 757. Seminar in Personality Psychology. (3 h)

Evaluation of contemporary solutions to important problems in personality psychology, with special attention to historical context and anticipated future directions.

PSY 770. Psychology Practicum. (1-3 h)

Work experience in an applied psychology setting (such as clinical or industrial) under a qualified supervisor.

PSY 771. Psychology Practicum. (1-3 h)

Work experience in an applied psychology setting (such as clinical or industrial) under a qualified supervisor.

PSY 772. Psychology Practicum. (1-3 h)

Work experience in an applied psychology setting (such as clinical or industrial) under a qualified supervisor.

PSY 773. Psychology Practicum. (1-3 h)

Work experience in an applied psychology setting (such as clinical or industrial) under a qualified supervisor.

PSY 782. Readings and Research in Psychology. (1-3 h)

This listing allows the graduate student, working under the supervision of a faculty member, to pursue and receive credit for 1) a special reading project in an area not covered by regular courses or 2) a special research project not related to the master’s thesis. Supervising faculty member and hours credit for which enrolled determined by graduate committee prior to registration.

PSY 785. Directed Thesis Research I. (3 h)

First-year students undertake a substantial research project under the direction of their advisor.

PSY 786. Directed Thesis Research. (3 h)

PSY 791. Thesis Research I. (1-9 h)

PSY 792. Thesis Research II. (1-9 h)