POL 611. Political Parties, Voters, and Elections. (3 h)

Examination of party competition, party organizations, the electorate and electoral activities of parties, and the responsibilities of parties for governing.

POL 617. Politics of the Mass Media. (3 h)

Exploration of the relationship between the political system and the mass media. Two broad concerns are the regulation of the mass media and the impact of media on political processes and events.

POL 618. Congress and Policymaking. (3 h)

Examination of the composition, authority structures, external influences, and procedures of Congress with emphasis on their implications for policymaking in the United States.

POL 620. The American Presidency. (3 h)

Explores the interaction of the presidential office and the individual contemporary presidents in an evolving political context.

POL 629. Women, Gender, and Politics. (3 h)

Examines classical and contemporary studies of how gender structures politics, including the political participation of women and other gendered social groups, as well as current policy issues.

POL 632. Politics in Russia and Eastern Europe. (3 h)

Analysis of the political, economic, and social patterns of the region emphasizing the internal dynamics and divergent outcomes of the regime transitions after the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

POL 636. Government and Politics in Latin America. (3 h)

Comparative analysis of the institutions and processes of politics in the Latin American region.

POL 646. Politics and Policies in South Asia. (3 h)

Survey of major issues relevant to politics and policy in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

POL 647. Islam and Politics. (3 h)

Explores the interrelationship of Islam and politics in the contemporary world. Deals with Islam as a political ideology which shapes the structure of political institutions and behavior. Looks at Islam in practice by examining the interaction between Islam and the political systems of Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and others.

POL 650. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and U.S. Policy since 2001. (3 h)

Broadly addresses the phenomena of U.S. involvement in two ongoing conflicts -- the Afghanistan war and the Iraq war. Focuses on the respective domestic and international politics and policies of the four main actors relevant to the conflicts: U.S., Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq.

POL 653. International Political Economy. (3 h)

Analyzes major issues in the global political economy including theoretical approaches to understanding the tension between politics and economics, monetary and trade policy, North-South relations, environmentalism, human rights, and democratization.

POL 654. U.S. Foreign Policy. (3 h)

Analyzes the historical and theoretical prespectives shaping U.S. engagement with the world past and present. Applies the understanding to current problems in U.S. foreign Policy.

POL 659. Palestine and Arab-Israeli Conflict. (3 h)

Explores the nature and scope of the conflict with particular emphasis on the time period post-1967 and the respective policies of the three most significant actors in the conflict: the U.S., Israel and Palestine.

POL 663. U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East. (3 h)

Critical analysis of U.S. foreign policy with respect to the Middle East since the second World War. Utilizes a case study method of instruction.

POL 672. Democratic Theory. (3 h)

Examines the historical and theoretical underpinnings of democracy and some of the critiques of those foundations. Focuses on understanding some of the major and competing traditions of democracy theory and how key democratic concepts are reconceptualized within these various traditions.

POL 673. Marx, Marxism, and Post-Marxism. (3 h)

Examines Marx’s early humanistic writings, his later philosophy, the vicissitudes of 20th century Marxism and attempts to reorient Marx’s theory in light of developments in contemporary political thought and practice.

POL 677. Feminist Political Thought. (3 h)

Examines major themes, concepts and theories in feminist political thought. Themes explored include schools of feminist thinking, feminism's diverse expressions over time, theories of the interlocking systems of oppressions, and the connection between theory and practice.

POL 678. Politics and Identity. (3 h)

Investigates the ways in which concepts of identity have informed political norms, structure, and practices; the myriad forms identity takes (particularly gender, sexual orientation, class, race, religion, and ethnicity) drawing on examples from across the globe, and theoretical approaches proposed for engaging differences.

POL 687. Individual Study. (2-3 h)

Intensive research leading to the completion of an analytical paper conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Students initiate the project and secure the permission of an appropriate instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours, only three of which may count toward the major. P-POI.

POL 688. Directed Reading. (2-3 h)

Concentrated reading in an area of study not otherwise available. Students are responsible for initiating the project and securing the permission of an appropriate instructor. P-POI.

POL 689. Internship in Politics. (2-3 h)

Field work in a public or private setting with related readings and an analytical paper under the direction of a faculty member. Students are responsible for initiating the project and securing the permission of an appropriate instructor. Normally one course in an appropriate subfield is taken prior to the internship. P-POI.