EDU 601. Microcomputer and Audiovisual Literacy. (3 h)

Introduction to microcomputers for educators and other users, emphasizing familiarity with computers, use and evaluation of software, and elementary programming skills. Experience with audiovisual materials and techniques is included.

EDU 602. Production of Instructional Materials. (3 h)

Methods of producing instructional materials and other technological techniques. P-EDU 601and senior or graduate standing.

EDU 603. History of Western Education. (3 h)

Educational theory and practice from ancient times through the modern period, including American education.

EDU 604. Social Justice Issues in Education. (3 h)

This course facilitates exploration of issues of social justice and schooling from both theoretical and practical perspectives. It includes a focus on multicultural education, global awareness, issues of equity in school funding, urban and rural education, poverty, and marginalized populations.

EDU 605. The Sociology of Education. (3 h)

Study of contemporary educational institutions. Examines such issues as school desegregation, schooling and social mobility, gender equity, and multiculturalism.

EDU 606. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Education. (3 h)

Study of selected historical eras, influential thinkers, or crucial problems in education. Topics announced annually.

EDU 609L. Introduction to Secondary Education. (3 h)

This course includes practical experiences in classrooms with focus on secondary classrooms and students. It involves public school experience and seminar.

EDU 610. Race, Class, and Gender in a Color-blind Society. (3 h)

Examines issues surrounding race, class, and gender in the U.S. Topics include income and wealth, theories of discrimination, public education, gender bias, and patterns of occupational and industrial segregation.

EDU 612. Teaching Exceptional Children. (3 h)

This course examines the various types of learning differences in K-12 schools. Emphasis is on instructional planning, identification of interventions, and assessment techniques to support diverse learners.

EDU 613. Human Growth and Development. (3 h)

Theories of childhood and adolescent development, their relation to empirical research, and their educational implications. Consideration of the relation to learning of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral development in childhood and adolescence.

EDU 614L. Elementary Teaching Rounds. (2 h)

Involves practical experiences in elementary classrooms with focus on pedagogy and content. Weekly public school experience and seminar. Pass/Fail.

EDU 616. Elementary Literacy Interventions. (3 h)

This course is a field experience for elementary education candidates focused on early literacy, including diagnosis and remediation of reading and writing skills. It includes public school experience and seminar.

EDU 621. Advanced Issues and Trends in Education. (3 h)

Special topics course related to advanced educational issues and trends with a focus on K-12 schools and teachers. Focus will vary by instructor. Course can be repeated if topic differs.

EDU 637. TESOL Linguistics. (3 h)

An introduction to the theoretical and practical linguistics resources and skills for teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) within the US or abroad.

EDU 641. Teaching Elementary Literacy. (3 h)

Methods and materials for implementing research-based strategies for teaching and assessing reading, writing, listening and speaking in grades K-6.

EDU 642. Teaching Elementary Social Studies and Methodology and Management Lab. (3 h)

Methods and materials for teaching K-6 social studies, including adaptations for diverse and exceptional learners. Includes experiences in diverse elementary classrooms.

EDU 643. Teaching Elementary STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). (3 h)

Methods and materials for teaching STEM subjects in elementary schools, emphasizing inquiry teaching and learning, and including adaptations for diverse and exceptional learners.

EDU 650L. Student Teaching: Elementary. (9 h)

Supervised teaching experience in grades K-6. Full-time. Service Learning. Pass/Fail only.

EDU 651. Adolescent Psychology. (4 h)

Introduction to theories of adolescent psychology as related to teaching and counseling in various settings. Readings emphasize researchers' suggestions for parenting, teaching, and counseling adolescents between the ages of 13 and 19.

EDU 654. Content Pedagogy. (3 h)

Methods, materials, and techniques used in teaching particular secondary subjects (English, mathematics, science, second languages, social studies).

EDU 654A. Content Pedagogy: Teaching Secondary English. (3 h)

Methods and materials used in teaching secondary English.

EDU 654B. Content Pedagogy: Teaching Secondary Mathematics. (3 h)

Methods and materials used in teaching secondary mathematics.

EDU 654C. Content Pedagogy: Teaching Secondary Social Studies. (3 h)

Methods and materials used in teaching secondary social studies.

EDU 654D. Content Pedagogy: Teaching Secondary Science. (3 h)

Methods and materials used in teaching secondary science.

EDU 654E. Content Pedagogy: Teaching World Languages. (3 h)

Methods and materials used in teaching world languages.

EDU 654L. Content Pedagogy Rounds. (2 h)

Practical experiences in classrooms with focus on pedagogy and content. Weekly public school experience and seminar. Pass/Fail only.

EDU 655. Professional Seminar: Elementary. (3 h)

Students reflect on all aspects of the elementary school curriculum, including meeting the needs of diverse learners, lesson planning, best practices, classroom management, and leadership. Required completion and submission of edTPA portfolio. Pass/Fail only.

EDU 657. Crisis in Higher Education. (3 h)

Explores the current crisis in higher education by providing historical context and considering emerging trends. Includes topics such as issues of student access, public and private institutional funding, the evolving landscape of modern employment, and public perceptions of higher education.

EDU 661. Foundations of Education. (3 h)

Philosophical, historical, and sociological foundations of education, including analysis of contemporary issues and problems.

EDU 664L. Student Teaching Internship. (9 h)

Supervised teaching internship in grades 9-12 (K-12 for foreign language). Full-time, 15-week field experience. Pass/Fail only.

EDU 665. Professional Development Seminars. (3 h)

Analysis and discussion of problems and issues in secondary school teaching. Examination of research and practice-based strategies. Required completion and submission of edTPA portfolio. Pass/Fail only.

EDU 668. Professional Experience in Education. (3 h)

This course offers students a placement in an educational setting under the supervision of a professional mentor. During this internship, students examine a critical topic in a local school, a community agency, a nonprofit organization, or other educational setting.

EDU 673. Comparative and International Education. (3 h)

A study of various historical, political, economic, and social issues shaping education in selected countries throughout the world. The course aims to expand student understanding of differing educational and pedagogical structures and comparatively investigate educational issues around the globe.

EDU 674. Student Teaching Seminar. (1.5 h)

Analysis and discussion of practical problems and issues in the teaching of particular secondary subjects (English, mathematics, science, second languages, social studies). Emphasis is on the application of contemporary instructional methods and materials. Includes prior (intercession) 20 hours field experience requirement.

EDU 677. Literacy in the 21st Century. (3 h)

This course examines the impact of emerging literacy trends on the 21st Century students in a digital global world. There is specific focus on engaging reluctant and struggling readers.

EDU 681. Special Needs Seminar. (1 h)

Analysis and discussion of practical problems and issues in the teaching of special needs students in the secondary classroom. Topics include classroom management, reading and writing in the content area, inclusion, and evaluation. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.

EDU 682. Reading and Writing in the Content Areas. (2 h)

Survey of methods for teaching reading and writing to help students learn in the various content areas, and of techniques for adapting instruction to the literacy levels of students.

EDU 683. Classroom Management Seminar. (1 h)

Examination of research and practice-based strategies for secondary school classroom management and discipline. Pass/Fail Only.

EDU 684. Creative Research Methodologies. (2 h)

Investigation of source materials, printed and manuscript, and research methods which are applied to creative classroom experiences and the preparation of research papers in literature and social studies.

EDU 685. Diversity Seminar. (1 h)

Exploration of multi-cultural issues and relevant Spanish language and cultural teaching practices essential for classroom communication. Pass/Fail Only.

EDU 687. Tutoring Basic Writing. (2 h)

Review of recent writing theory applicable to teaching basic writers (including the learning disabled and non-native speakers). Special attention to invention strategies and heuristic techniques. Includes experience with tutoring in the Writing Center.

EDU 688. Writing Pedagogy. (3 h)

This course blends theory and practice, providing students from all content areas with a foundational understanding of writing pedagogy methods and approaches. Topics of study will include writing across the curriculum, writing research and writing assessment.

EDU 690. Methods and Materials for Teaching Foreign Language. (3 h)

Survey of the basic materials, methods, and techniques of teaching foreign languages in the elementary and middle grades. Emphasis is on issues and problems involved in planning and implementing effective second language programs in grades K-6. Spring only.

EDU 693. Individual Study. (1-3 h)

A project in an area of study not otherwise available in the department; permitted upon departmental approval of petition presented by a qualified student. May be repeated for credit.

EDU 695. Teaching Diverse Learners. (3 h)

This course addresses diversity in the clasroom, particularly the needs of English Language Learners (ELL) and Exceptional Chilfren (EC). It examines differentiated instruction with appropriate instructional and behavioral strategies to meet the needs of all students.

EDU 698. Seminar in Secondary Education. (1 h)

Investigation of the issues that form the context for teaching in secondary schools.

EDU 705. Sociology of Education. (3 h)

Study of contemporary society and education, including goals and values, institutional culture, and the teaching/learning process.

EDU 707. Educational Policy and Practice. (3 h)

Examination of the impact of race, ethnicity, and social class on educational achievement and attainment, including consideration of philosophical, historical, and sociological issues.

EDU 708. School and Society. (3 h)

Study of continuity and change in educational institutions, including analysis of teachers, students, curriculum, assessment and evaluation, and contemporary problems and reform movements.

EDU 711. Reading Theory and Practice. (3 h)

Study of current reading theory and considerations of its application in the teaching of reading, grades K-12.

EDU 712. Learning and Cognitive Science. (3 h)

Examination of patterns of human development, and theories and principles of cognition applied to teaching and learning.

EDU 713. Classroom Climate: Classroom Management and Conflict Resolution. (3 h)

This course focuses on the development and maintenance of a safe, orderly, and respectful classroom environment in conjunction with advanced pedagogical strategies. Students learn classroom management and conflict resolution techniques while considering their own teaching practices.

EDU 714. Advanced Content Pedagogy. (3 h)

This course assists students in developing skills for content-specific teaching of critical thinking and problem solving while building upon existing pedagogical content knowledge through collaboration that is rooted in current practice, and addressing state and national standards.

EDU 715. Action Research. (3 h)

Individual planning for action research study on a specific pedogogical topic in a school setting. Includes definition of research problem, literature review, and proposal for collection of field data, and reporting of results.

EDU 716. Professional Growth Seminar. (3 h)

Students will provide reflections on their teaching experiences, report the results of their action research, and define their professional goals.

EDU 717. Instructional Design, Assessment and Technology. (3 h)

Introduction to contemporary technologies and their applications for supporting instruction, assessment, professional practice, and school leadership.

EDU 718. Advanced Multimedia Technology in Education. (3 h)

This course develops advanced technology skills and knowledge of how to incorporate technology tools into pedagogical practice through a variety of assignments including an implementation project.

EDU 721. Educational Research. (3 h)

Theory, construction, and procedures of empirical research on teaching and learning. Analysis and evaluation of research studies.

EDU 723. Educational Statistics. (3 h)

Descriptive, inferential, and nonparametric statistical procedures involved in educational research. Computer methods for statistical analysis.

EDU 725. Action Research II. (1 h)

Reporting of results of action research study on pedagogical topic. Includes oral and writen presentations.

EDU 730L. Service Learning: Tutoring. (1 h)

Practical experiences in classrooms with focus on tutoring and assisting with preparation for standardized testing. Includes field work and reflection. Pass/Fail only.

EDU 731. Foundations of Curriculum Development. (3 h)

Philosophical, psychological, and social influences on the school curriculum. Examination of both theoretical and practical curriculum patterns for the modern school. Processes of curriculum development, including the leadership function of administration and research.

EDU 733. Supervision of Instruction. (3 h)

Analysis of various techniques of supervision: orientation of teachers, in-service education, classroom observation, individual follow-up conferences, ways to evaluate instruction, and methods for initiating changes.

EDU 735. Assessment of Teaching and Learning. (3 h)

This course focuses on the assessment of learning from a theoretical and practical perspective. It includes an understanding of formative and summative assessments, traditional and non-traditional assessments, standardized testing, and the interpretation and applicaiton of test data.

EDU 745. Advanced Diverse Learners. (3 h)

This course addresses advanced issues related to diversity in the classroom.

EDU 747. Research and Trends in the Teaching of Foreign Languages. (3 h)

Study of current trends and issues in foreign language education. Research topics include language and linguisitics, culture, and technology.

EDU 751. Adolescent Psychology. (3 h)

Introduction to theories of adolescent psychology as related to teaching and counseling in various settings. Readings emphasize researchers' suggestions for parenting, teaching, and counseling adolescents between the ages of 13 and 19.

EDU 758. Studies in Educational Leadership. (3 h)

This course includes examination of contemporary leadership theory and its various applications in education. It includes field work and reflection. (Service Learning)

EDU 764. Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction. (3 h)

Exploration of special topics in the field of curriculum and instruction.

EDU 781. Methodology and Research. (3 h)

Advanced study of the methods and materials of a specific discipline (English, French, Spanish, social studies, mathematics, science) in the curriculum with special attention directed to the basic research in the discipline. Includes 20 hours field experience/project.

EDU 783. Readings and Research in Education. (1-3 h)

Independent study and research on topics relevant to the student's field of concentration which may include a special reading program in an area not covered by other courses or a special research project. Supervision by faculty members. Hours of credit to be determined prior to registration.

EDU 784. Research in Writing. (3 h)

Investigation of selected topics related to the writing process.

EDU 785. The Teaching of Writing. (3 h)

Examination of the theories and methods of instruction of writing.

EDU 787. Teaching Advanced Placement. (2-3 h)

An investigation of the content of and the pedagogy appropriate to advanced placement courses in the various disciplines. Summer only.

EDU 788. Teaching Foreign Languages in the Elementary Grades. (2 h)

Intensive period of observation and instruction in an elementary school setting with a foreign language specialist. Methods for development of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural awareness using content-based instruction and thematic units.