ANT 601. Free Trade, Fair Trade: Independent Entrepreneurs in the Global Market. (3 h)

Field-based seminar compares the barriers to market participation experienced by independent entrepreneurs cross-culturally. Free trade policies are contrasted with fair trade practices to determine why so many independent producers have trouble succeeding in a globalizing world.

ANT 605. Museum Anthropology. (3 h)

Examines the historical, social, and ideological forces shaping the development of museums. Emphasizes the history of anthropology, the formation of anthropological collections, representation, and the intellectual and social challenges facing museums today.

ANT 607. Collections Management Practicum. (1.5 h)

The principles of collections management including artifact registration, cataloging, storage, and handling; conservation issues and practices; disaster planning and preparedness; and ethical issues are covered through lectures, readings, workshops, and hands-on use of the Museum's collections.

ANT 608. Archaeological Theory and Practice. (3 h)

Examination of a contemporary archaeological topic through participation in the formulation and implementation of an archaeological research design. Building knowledge relevant to contemporary society through understanding the interdependent nature of archaeological theory and method.

ANT 615. Artifact Analysis and Laboratory Methods in Archeology. (3 h)

Introduction to methods for determining the composition, age, manufacture, and use of different prehistoric and historic artifact types. Techniques for reconstruction of past natural environments from geological or ecofact samples. Exploration of data display tools including computer-based illustrations, GIS, and archeological photography.

ANT 618. Prehistory and Archaeology of Europe. (3 h)

Problem-based survey of the archaeological record of Europe. Complex interrelationships of material culture, economy, ideology, and social life from earliest peopling to the late Iron Age. Offered only in WFU Study Abroad programs.

ANT 625. Roots of Racism: Race and Ethnic Diversity in the U.S. (3 h)

Examines biological myths of race and race as a social construction; historical, economic, and political roots of inequalities; institutions and ideologies that buttress and challenge power relations; and implications of anthropological teaching and research for understanding social class and race discrimination in the U.S.

ANT 627. Global Justice and Human Rights in Latin America. (3 h)

Examines anthropological understandings of human rights, with emphasis on activism and rights-in-practice in Latin America. Explores how human rights are understood, mobilized, and reinterpreted in specific contexts. Investigates how anthropologists negotiate tensions between culture and rights, universalism and relativism, and advocacy and neutrality.

ANT 629. Feminist Anthroplogy. (3 h)

Examines cultural constructions of gender and sexuality from a cross-cultural perspective and the relationship between feminism and cultural rights activism through time. Emphasizes how varied forms of feminisms are constituted within diverse social, cultural, and economic systems. Students consider how feminists are negotiating positions at the intersection of cultural and human rights.

ANT 632. Anthropology of Gender. (3 h)

Focuses on the differences between sex, a biological category, and gender, its cultural counterpart. An anthropological perspective is used to understand both the human life cycle and the status of contemporary women and men worldwide. In section one, topics covered include evolution and biological development, sexuality and reproduction, parenting and life cycle changes. The second section includes a cross-cultural comparison examining roles, responsibilities and expectations, and how these interact with related issues of class and race in diverse locations, including Africa, South Dakota, China, India and the Amazon.

ANT 633. Language and Gender. (3 h)

Uses an anthropological perspective to examine relationships among language structure, language use, persons, and social categories.

ANT 634. Peoples and Cultures of South Asia. (3 h)

Survey of the peoples and cultures of the Indian subcontinent in the countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Reviews major topics of interest to anthropologists, including prehistory, history and politics, religion, social organization, caste, gender, development and population.

ANT 635. Anthropology of Space and Place in the U.S.. (3-4 h)

Examines the spatial dimensions of culture by focusing on housing disparities in the U.S. Particular attention is paid to the cultural, gendered, economic, political, and regional contexts of housing policies and the impact policies have on children, families and communities. Course includes an optional Service-Learning community asset mapping assignment of a local Winston-Salem neighborhood.

ANT 636. Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism. (3 h)

Explores how people envision and manipulate the supernatural in cross-cultural perspective. Emphasizes functional apsects of religious beliefs and practices.

ANT 637. Economic Anthropology. (3 h)

Examines the relationship between culture and the economy and its implications for applied anthropology. The variable nature and meaning of economic behavior will be examined in societies ranging from non-industural to post-industrial. Discusses the impact of economic development programs, foreign aid and investment, technology transfer, and a variety of other economic aid programs.

ANT 639. Culture and Nature. (3 h)

Exploration of humanity's 'place' in the cosmo, focusing on different worldviews of nature and culture. Case studies from anthropology, archeology, and environmental science examine conceptions of technology, resources, environment, and ownership in the context of environmental change, 'natural' disasters, and resource scarcity.

ANT 640. Anthropological Theory. (3 h)

Study and evaluation of the major anthropological theories of humans and society. The relevance and significance of these theories to modern anthropology are discussed.

ANT 642. Development Wars: Applying Anthropology. (3 h)

Explores the application of anthropological concepts and methods in the understanding of contemporary problems stemming from cultural diversity, including competing social and economic development models and ideologies of terror. Emphasis on conflict and change in developing areas but also considers the urban experience.

ANT 647. Warfare and Violent Conflict. (3 h)

Seminar focusing on the causes and nature of warfare and violent group interaction across cultures and through time. Compares case studies from around the globe and of varying sociopolitical organization, past and present. Includes explorations of primate behavior, forms of warfare, and competing theoretical explanations for its existence and for particular occurrences.

ANT 650. Language, Indigeneity and Globalization. (3 h)

Taking a global case-study approach, this seminar explores the role language plays in contemporary identity formation and expression, from indigenous to transnational contexts. Addresses relationships among language and colonialism, postcolonialism, nationalism, cultural revitalization, standardization, social and economic inequality, boundary-formation, and processes of cultural inclusion and exclusion.

ANT 653. Language in Education. (3 h)

This seminar explores the role of language in educational contexts; includes the study of bilingual and bicultural education, second language education, cross-cultural education, and communication in the classroom. Service-learning component.

ANT 654. Field Methods in Linguistic Anthropology. (3 h)

Trains students in basic skills of collecting and analyzing linguistic data at the levels of phonetics-phonology, grammar, lexico-semantics, discourse, and sociocultural context. Students will learn about the research questions that drive linguistic fieldwork as well as the relevant methods, tools, and practical and ethical concerns.

ANT 655. Language and Culture. (3 h)

Covers theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of language and culture, including: semiotics, structuralism, ethnoscience, the ethnography of communication, and sociolinguitics. Topics include: liguistic relativity; grammar and worldview; lexicon and thought; language use and social inequality; language and gender; and other areas.

ANT 658. Native Peoples of North America. (3 h)

Ethnology and prehistory of the indigenous peoples and cultures of North America since European contact. Explores historic and modern cultures, social and political relationships with Euro Americans, and social justice.

ANT 660. Anthropology of Global Health. (3 h)

A critical introduction to the interdisciplinary field of global health, focusing on contributions from medical anthropology. Compares a diversity of health experiences and evaluates interventions across the globe. Explores how biocultural, political, and economic forces shape patterns of illness and disease with special attention to improving the health of the world's most vulnerable citizens.

ANT 661. Evolution of Human Behavior. (3 h)

The application of Darwinian principles to the study of human nature and culture. Considers the existence, origin, and manifestation of human behavioral universals and the theoretical and practical implications of individual study.

ANT 662. Medical Anthropology. (3 h)

The impact of Western medical practices and theory on non-Western cultures and anthropological contributions to the solution of world health problems.

ANT 663. Primate Behavior and Biology. (3 h)

Examines the evolution and adaptations of the order primates. Considers the different ways that ecology and evolution shape social behavior. A special emphasis on the lifeways of monkeys and apes.

ANT 664. Primate Evolutionary Biology. (3 h)

Examines the anatomy, evolution, and paleobiology of members of the order Primates. Emphasizes the fossil evidence for primate evolution. Major topics include: primate origins, prosimian and anthropoid adaptations, patterns in primate evolution, and the place of humans within the order Primates.

ANT 666. Human Evolution. (3 h)

The paleontological evidence for early human evolution, with an emph sis on the first five million years of bio-cultural evolution.

ANT 667. Human Biological Diversity. (3 h)

Seminar focusing on current issues in human biological diversity. Special emphasis on the nature of human variation, and the relationship between human biological diversity and human behavioral diversity. Students learn what is known about how modern human biological variation is patterned, and investigate how this variation is interpreted culturally.

ANT 668. Human Osteology. (3 h)

Survey of human skeletal anatomy and analysis, emphasizing archeological and anthropological applications.

ANT 670. Old World Prehistory. (3 h)

Survey of Old World prehistory, with particular attention to geological and climatological events affecting culture change.

ANT 674. North American Archaeology. (3 h)

The development of indigenous cultures in North America from the earliest arrival of people to European contact as outlined by archaeological research, with an emphasis on ecology and sociocultural processes.

ANT 677. Ancestors, Indians, Immigrants: A Southwest Cultural Tapestry. (3 h)

Exploration of factors that shaped the lives of people in the Southwest, with attention to Native American and Hispanic experience. From kivas to casinos, coyotes, to cartels, links archeological and prehispanic history to contemporary lifeways in the canyons, deserts, and cities of the U.S./North Mexico.

ANT 678. Conservation Archeology. (1.5 h)

Study of the laws, regulations, policies, programs, and political processes used to conserve prehistoric and historic cultural resources.

ANT 680. Anthropological Statistics. (3 h)

Basic statistics. Emphasizing application in anthropological research.

ANT 681. Field Program in Anthropological Archaeology. (3 h)

Integrated training in archaeological field methods and analytical techniques for researching human prehistory. Students learn archeological survey, mapping, excavation, recording techniques and artifact and ecofact recovery and analysis.

ANT 682. Field Program in Anthropological Archaeology. (3 h)

Integrated training in archaeological field methods and analytical techniques for researching human prehistory. Students learn archeological survey, mapping, excavation, recording techniques and artifact and ecofact recovery and analysis.

ANT 683. Field Program in Cultural Anthropology. (3 h)

Comparative study of culture and training in ethnographic and cultural analysis carried out in the field.

ANT 684. Field Program in Cultural Anthropology. (3 h)

Comparative study of culture and training in ethnographic and cultural analysis carried out in the field.

ANT 685. Special Problems Seminar. (3 h)

Intensive investigation of current scientific research within the discipline, concentrating on problems of contemporary interest.

ANT 686. Special Problems Seminar. (3 h)

Intensive investigation of current scientific research within the discipline, concentrating on problems of contemporary interest.

ANT 687. Ethnographic Research Methods. (3 h)

Designed to familiarize students with ethnographic research methods and their application. Considers the epistemological, ethical, political, and psychological aspects of research. Laboratory experience and data analysis.

ANT 698. Individual Study. (1-3 h)

Intensive examination of an individually designed body of information pertaining to religion and/or culture, carried out under supervision of appropriate faculty member.

ANT 785. Directed Research and Reading. (1-3 h)

Research and reading course, including field component, designed to meet the needs of individual students and resulting in a professional-quality paper and/or presentation. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours. P-POI.