PSY 100. Learning to Learn. (3 h)

A course designed for first and second year students who wish to improve their academic performance through the application of learning, study, memory, and time management strategies. By permission of the instructor only. Pass/Fail only.

PSY 151. Introductory Psychology. (3 h)

A systematic survey of psychology as the scientific study of behavior. Prerequisite to all courses of a higher number. (D)

PSY 241. Developmental Psychology. (3 h)

Surveys physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development in humans from conception to death. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 243. Biopsychology. (3 h)

An introduction to the biological substrates and processes that govern behavior. P- PSY 151. (D)

PSY 245. Survey of Abnormal Behavior. (3 h)

Study of problem behaviors such as depression, alcoholism, antisocial personality, the schizophrenias, and pathogenic personality patterns, with emphasis on causes, prevention, and the relationships of these disorders to normal lifestyles. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 248. Cognitive Psychology. (3 h)

Surveys theory and research on cognitive processes. Emphasizes memory, attention, visual and auditory information processing, concept identification/formation, and language. P- PSY 151. (D)

PSY 255. Personality. (3 h)

Survey of theory and research on the structure and function of human personality, with attention to the relationship to cognition, emotion, motivation, and behavior. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 260. Social Psychology. (3 h)

A survey of the field, including theories of social behavior, interpersonal attraction, attitudes and attitude change, and group behavior. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 265. Human Sexuality. (3 h)

Explores the psychological and physiological aspects of human sexuality, with attention to sexual mores, sexual deviances, sexual dysfunction, and sex-related roles. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 267. Stress and Coping. (3 h)

A cross-disciplinary survey of theory and research on the social, biological, cognitive, and developmental mechanisms underlying stress and coping with stress. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 268. Industrial/Organization Psychology. (3 h)

Psychological principles and methods applied to problems commonly encountered in business and industry. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 270. Topics in Psychology. (1.5 h)

Focused in-depth review of current theory and research on a selected topic in the field. May be repeated for credit if topic varies. P-PSY 151.

PSY 275. Internship in Psychology. (0-3 h)

Field work in pre-approved settings under the supervision of qualified professionals. Related readings and a term paper required. Students must apply and secure permission from designated Psychology Department faculty member who will assign final grade. Students desiring to propose internship that has not been pre-approved must do so at least 1 month before the proposed start of the internship, following standard department procedures. Internships will not be approved for credit after the internship has already begun. Credits cannot count toward minimum required for major or minor. Pass/Fail only. Open only to declared psychology majors or minors with a minimum GPA of 2.75. Maximum 3 hours. May be repeated for credit. P-PSY 310 or 311 and Permission of the Department (POD).

PSY 278. Psychology of Memory. (3 h)

A study of specialized knowledge regarding the most relevant aspects of memory function and important investigative techniques in this field. (D)

PSY 280. Directed Study. (1-3 h)

Student research performed under faculty supervision. May be repeated for credit. P-PSY 151 and approval of faculty member prior to registration.

PSY 310. Methods in Psychological Research. (3 h)

Introduces statistics and research design for students minoring in psychology. P—PSY 151 (D, QR)

PSY 311. Research Methods I. (4 h)

Design and statistical analysis of correlational research. Lab-twice weekly. P-At least one course in addition to PSY 151. C-PSY 311L. (QR, D)

PSY 311L. Research Methods I Lab. (0 h)

C-PSY 311.

PSY 312. Research Methods II. (4 h)

Design and statistical analysis of experimental methods. Lab-twice weekly. P-PSY 311. C-PSY 312L. (QR)

PSY 312L. Research Methods II Lab. (0 h)

C-PSY 312.

PSY 313. History and Systems of Psychology. (3 h)

The development of psychological thought and research from ancient Greece to the present. Normally offered only fall semester. Senior major standing only. P-Two psychology courses beyond PSY 151 or POI. (D)

PSY 314. Special Topics in Social Psychology. (3 h)

Theoretical and empirical examination of specialized areas within social psychology. May be repeated for credit if topic varies. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 315. Special Topics in Personality Psychology. (3 h)

Theoretical and empirical examination of specialized areas within personality psychology. May be repeated for credit if topic varies. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 316. Special Topics in Developmental Psychology. (3 h)

Theoretical and empirical examination of specialized areas within developmental psychology. May be repeated for credit if topic varies. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 317. Special Topics in Experimental Psychology. (3 h)

Theoretical and empirical examination of specialized areas within experimental psychology. May be repeated for credit if topic varies. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 320. Physiological Psychology. (3 h)

Provides an in-depth examination of the nervous system and the physiological processes that underlie sensation, motor control, thinking, and emotion. P-PSY 310 or 311 or POI.

PSY 322. Psychopharmacology. (3 h)

A survey of the influences of a wide range of psychoactive drugs, both legal and illegal, on human physiology, cognition, and behavior. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 323. Animal Behavior. (3 h)

A survey of laboratory and field research on animal behavior. P-PSY 310 or 311 or POI.

PSY 326. Learning Theory and Research. (3 h)

Theory and current research in learning, with emphasis on applications of learning principles for behavior modification and comparisons across species. P-PSY 310 or 311. P or C-PSY 312.

PSY 329. Perception. (3 h)

Survey of theory and research findings on various sensory systems (vision, hearing, touch, taste). P-PSY 310 or 311.

PSY 331. Research in Cognitive Psychology. (3 h)

In-depth examination of research in a selected area of cognitive psychology such as memory, attention, or executive function. Research projects required. P-PSY 310 or 311. P or C-PSY 312.

PSY 333. Motivation of Behavior. (3 h)

Surveys basic motivational concepts and related evidence. P-PSY 310 or 311. P or C-PSY 312.

PSY 338. Emotion. (3 h)

Survey of theory methods and research in the area of emotion. Developmental, cultural, social-psychological, physiological, personality, and clinical perspectives on emotions are given. P-PSY 310 or 311.

PSY 341. Research in Developmental Psychology. (3 h)

Methodological issues and selected research in developmental psychology. Research projects required. P-PSY 310 or 311. P or C-PSY 312.

PSY 344. Abnormal Psychology. (3 h)

Descriptive analysis of the major types of abnormal behavior with attention to organic, psychological, and cultural causes and major modes of therapy. Offered in the summer. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 345. Positive Psychology: The Science of Well-Being. (3 h)

A cross- and inter-disciplinary survey of theory and research on the conceptualization and measurement of well-being, the mechanisms that cause and maintain it, and the applicability of this research for improving the quality of lives. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 346. Psychological Disorders of Childhood. (3 h)

Survey of problems including conduct disorders, attention deficits disorders, depression, and autism. Emphasis on causes, prevention, treatment, and the relationships of disorders to normal child development and family life. P-PSY 245 or 344 or POI. (D)

PSY 348. Clinical Neuroscience. (3 h)

Surveys connections between abnormal neurological processes and clinical abnormalities. This implies already having an understanding of normal brain function and anatomy. P-PSY 243 or PSY 320 or PSY 322.

PSY 351. Personality Research. (3 h)

The application of a variety of research procedures to the study of human personality. Research projects required. P-PSY 310 or 311.

PSY 355. Research in Social Psychology. (3 h)

Methodological issues and selected research in the study of the human as a social animal. Research projects required. P-PSY 310 or 311.

PSY 357. Cross-Cultural Psychology. (3 h)

An examination of differences in psychological processes (e.g., attitudes, perception, mental health, organizational behavior) associated with cultural variation. P-PSY 151. (CD, D)

PSY 359. Psychology of Gender. (3 h)

An exploration of the psychological similarities and differences between human males and females, including consideration of social, cognitive, motivational, biological, and developmental determinants of behavior. P-PSY 151. (CD, D)

PSY 362. Psychological Testing. (3 h)

An overview of the nature of psychological assessment, emphasizing the construction and evaluation of psychological tests and the data analytic techniques underlying those processes. P-PSY 310 or 311.

PSY 363. Survey of Clinical Psychology. (3 h)

An overview of the field of clinical psychology. Psychology senior majors only or POI. (D)

PSY 364. Stereotyping and Prejudice. (3 h)

Theoretical and empirical examination of the processes underlying prejudice, discrimination and racism. P-PSY 151. (CD, D)

PSY 367. Parenting and Parent-Child Relationships. (3 h)

Surveys characteristics and issues of parenting and parent-child relationships as related to a variety of factors, including developmental changes of parent and child, family structure, and sociocultural context. P-PSY 151. (D)

PSY 374. Research in Judgment and Decision Making. (3 h)

A theoretical and empirical examination of how people make decisions and judgments about their lives and the world, and how these processes can be improved. P-PSY 310 or 311.

PSY 381. Honors Seminar. (3 h)

Seminar on selected problems in psychology. Intended primarily for students in the departmental honors program. P-PSY 311 and POI.

PSY 383. Honors Research. (3 h)

Seminar in selected issues in research design, followed by independent empirical research under the supervision of a member of the departmental faculty. P-PSY 311 and POI.

PSY 392. Contemporary Issues in Psychology. (1.5 h)

Seminar treatment of current theory and research in several areas of psychology. Required for senior majors. P-PSY 312, and senior major standing. May be repeated for credit with a different topic of content.