CHI 101. First-year Chinese I. (4 h)

First half of a year-long sequence designed to develop students' elementary Chinese communication skills in simple daily life contexts. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are given equal weight, with emphasis on listening and speaking skills in class.

CHI 102. First-year Chinese II. (4 h)

Second half of a year-long sequence designed to develop students' elementary Chinese communication skills in simple daily life contexts. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are given equal weight, with emphasis on listening and speaking skills in class. P-CHI 101 or equivalent.

CHI 153. Second-year Chinese I. (4 h)

First half of a year-long sequence designed to develop students' Chinese communication skills in a wide range of daily life contexts, including some work scenarios. Students will gain a basic appreciation of cultural differences. P - CHI 102 or equivalent.

CHI 201. Second-year Chinese II. (4 h)

Second half of a year-long sequence designed to develop students' Chinese communication skills in a wide range of daily life contexts, including some work scenarios. Students will gain a basic appreciation of cultural differences. P - CHI 153 or equivalent.

CHI 220. Third-year Chinese I. (4 h)

First half of a year-long sequence designed to enhance students' Chinese communication skills, with emphasis on accuracy and fluency on various topics at more abstract levels. Students will deepen their understanding of cultural differences. P - CHI 201.

CHI 230. Third-year Chinese II. (4 h)

Second half of a year-long sequence designed to enhance students' Chinese communication skills, with emphasis on accuracy and fluency on various topics at more abstract levels. Students will deepen their understanding of cultural differences. P - CHI 220 or POI.

CHI 231. Global Topics in Chinese. (3 h)

Continuation of CHI 230, with emphasis on developing intercultural awareness and competence when encountering people and cultures from the Chinese-speaking communities through experiential learning. P - CHI 230 or POI.

CHI 255. Business Chinese. (3 h)

Communicating in Mandarin Chinese for business and professional purposes. This course will prepare students to start a job search and build partnerships in Chinese-speaking areas, with emphasis on developing advanced intercultural communicative capability. P-CHI 230 or POI.

CHI 291. Special Topics in Chinese. (1-3 h)

Develops students' confidence and skills in handling topical issues in Chinese society and culture using authentic materials. Designed for students who have completed CHI 231 at Wake Forest and/or through study abroad. P-CHI 231 or POI.

CHI 296. Chinese across the Curriculum. (1 h)

Coursework in Chinese completed as an adjunct to specially-designated courses throughout the college curriculum. P-POI.

CHI 299. Individual Study. (1-3 h)

May be repeated for credit. P-POI.

CHI 351. Classical Chinese. (3 h)

Teaches vocabulary and syntax of the written Chinese language prior to the 20th century, including readings from Chinese philosophy, historiography, poetry, and traditional tales. P-POI.