Grade of I

The grade of “I” (incomplete) may be assigned only when a student fails to complete the work of a course because of illness or some other emergency. If the work recorded as “I” is not completed within 30 days after the student enters his/her next semester, not counting the summer session, the grade automatically becomes “F”. The instructor must report the final grade to the registrar within 45 days after the beginning of that semester. In no case is a graduate degree awarded to a student who has an “I” on record. Incomplete forms are available at

Grade of NR

The grade of NR (Not Reported) must be resolved within forty-five days after the beginning of the student’s next enrolled term or will automatically become an F. A degree will not be awarded to a student who has an NR on their record.

Grade of U (Unsatisfactory) in Thesis/Dissertation Research

A student who receives a U in research may be placed on academic probation even if the student’s cumulative GPA is above 2.5. A student who receives a grade of U in research in two consecutive semesters may be dismissed from the Graduate School by the Dean upon recommendation of the program.

Minimum Grade Requirements

A student whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below 2.5 may be placed on academic probation. The student will have one semester to bring their GPA to 2.5 or greater; otherwise, may be dismissed from the Graduate School by the Dean. The GPA is obtained by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of hours attempted, including hours for courses in which the grade earned is an F. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory and pass/fail grades do not factor into the GPA calculation.

Grades Assigned Grade Points
A Excellent 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B Good 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C Low Pass 2.00
Grades Assigned Description
F Failed (counted as hours attempted)
I Incomplete (becomes passing grade or F)
P Pass
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
AUD Audit
DRP Official Drop (not counted as hours attempted)
NC No credit
NR Grade not reported (becomes passing grade or F)
WD Withdrew (not counted as hours attempted)
WP Withdrew passing (not counted as hours attempted)
WF Withdrew failing (not counted as hours attempted)

Individual programs may require a higher GPA than 2.5 for ongoing enrollment and is stated in their program policies. A student may be dismissed from the Graduate School by the Dean upon recommendation of the program if the student is failing to make adequate progress in research.

PhD candidates must have a GPA of 3.0 at the time of the preliminary examination. The minimum GPA required for graduation is 3.0 for awarded degrees and earned certificates.