LIN 610. Sociolinguistics and Dialectology. (3 h)

Study of variation in language: effects of regional background, social class, ethnic group, gender, and setting; social attitudes toward language; outcomes of linguistic conflicts in the community; evolution of research methods for investigating language differences and the diffusion of change. P-POI.

LIN 640. Special Topics in Linguistics. (3 h)

Interdisciplinary study of selected topics, such as morphology, phonology/phonetics, syntax, historical linguistics, history of linguistic theory, semiotics, and ethnolinguistics, issues in Asian linguistics, language and gender. May be repeated for credit if topic varies.

LIN 680. Language Use and Technology. (3 h)

Introduction to the fundamental concepts of creating and accessing large linguistic corpora(electronic collections of "real world" text) for linguistic inquiry. Course surveys a variety of cross-discipline efforts that employ corpus data for research and explores current applications.

LIN 683. Language Engineering Localization and Terminology. (3 h)

Introduction to the process of making a product linguistically and culturally appropriate to the target locale, and to computer-assisted terminology management. Surveys applications in translation technology. Taught in English. P-POI.