LIN 150. Introduction to Linguistics. (3 h)

The social phenomenon of language: how it originated and developed, how it is learned and used, its relationship to other kinds of behavior; types of language (oral, written, signed) and language families; analysis of linguistic data; social issues of language use. Also listed as ANT 150. (CD)

LIN 310. Sociolinguistics and Dialectology. (3 h)

Study of variation in language: effects of regional background, social class, ethnic group, gender, and setting; social attitudes toward language; outcomes of linguistic conflicts in the community; evolution of research methods for investigating language differences and the diffusion of change. P- LIN 150/ANT 150 or POI.

LIN 330. Introduction to Psycholinguistics and Language Acquisition. (3 h)

A psychological and linguistic study of the mental processes underlying the acquisition and use of language; how children acquire the structure of language and how adults make use of linguistic systems.

LIN 337. TESOL Linguistics. (3 h)

Introduces the theoretical and practical linguistics resources and skills for teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) within the United States or abroad. Also listed as EDU 337. P-LIN 150/ANT 150 or ENG 304 or POI; knowledge of a second language is recommended.

LIN 340. Special Topics in Linguistics. (3 h)

Interdisciplinary study of selected topics, such as morphology, phonology/phonetics, syntax, historical linguistics, history of linguistic theory, semiotics, and ethnolinguistics, issues in Asian linguistics, language and gender. May be repeated for credit if topic varies. P-LIN 150/ANT 150 or POI.

LIN 352. Linguistics Cross-Cultural Communication. (3 h)

Introduction to the nature of language, communication practices, nonverbal communication, and their cross-cultural variability. Teaches awareness of and respect for a range of culturally-specific communicative practices and provides analytic skills (linguistics, semiotic, and ethnographic) with which to recognize and assess such practices. This course differs from COM 350 (Intercultural Communication) in its greater emphasis on approaches from linguistics and anthropology. (CD)

LIN 380. Quantitative Text Analysis. (3 h)

Introduction to the fundamental concepts and practical programming skills from data science applied to the task of quantitative text analysis. Course surveys methods for selecting, organizing, extracting, and analyzing information from textual data sources to generate novel insight into topics from a variety of linguistics and language-related fields. P-POI.

LIN 383. Language Engineering: Localization and Terminology. (3 h)

Introduction to the process of making a product linguistically and culturally appropriate to the target locale, and to computer-assisted terminology management. Surveys applications in translation technology. P-POI.

LIN 398. Individual Study. (1-3 h)

Designed to meet the needs of selected students, to be carried out under the supervision of a faculty member in the linguistics minor program. May be repeated for credit. P-ANT 150/LIN 150 and POI.

LIN 399. Individual Study. (1-3 h)

Designed to meet the needs of selected students, to be carried out under the supervision of a faculty member in the linguistics minor program. May be repeated for credit. P-ANT 150/LIN 150 and POI.