JPN 101. First-year Japanese I. (4 h)

First half of a year-long sequence designed to develop students' elementary Japanese communication skills in simple daily life contexts. Focuses on developing proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

JPN 102. First-year Japanese II. (4 h)

Second half of a year-long sequence designed to develop students' elementary Japanese communication skills in simple daily life contexts. Focuses on developing proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. P- JPN 101 or equivalent.

JPN 153. Second-year Japanese I. (4 h)

First half of a year-long sequence at the intermediate level. Continues to focus on developing proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Expands students' ability to communicate with a broader range of vocabulary and grammar. P-JPN 102 or equivalent.

JPN 201. Second-year Japanese II. (4 h)

Second half of a year-long sequence at the intermediate level. Continues to focus on developing proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Expands students' ability to communicate with a broader range of vocabulary and grammar. P-JPN 153 or equivalent. 

JPN 220. Third-year Japanese I. (4 h)

Two-semester sequence that enhances students’ reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills by dealing with a variety of topics at an advanced linguistic level. Integrates conversation, discussion, and presentation with emphasis on written and multimedia sources. P-JPN 201 or POI.

JPN 230. Third-year Japanese II. (4 h)

Two-semester sequence that enhances students’ reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills by dealing with a variety of topics at an advanced linguistic level. Integrates conversation, discussion, and presentation with emphasis on written and multimedia sources. P-JPN 220 or equivalent.

JPN 231. Fourth-year Japanese. (3 h)

Two-semester sequence that enhances students’ reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills by dealing with a variety of topics at an advanced linguistic level. Integrates conversation, discussion, and presentation with emphasis on written and multimedia sources. P-JPN 230 or equivalent.

JPN 250. Introduction to Literature Written in Japanese. (1-3 h)

Develops students' productive skills at the discursive and rhetorical levels using authentic materials. Designed for students who have completed the cycle of Japanese courses at Wake Forest and/or through study abroad. P-JPN 231 or POI.

JPN 255. Professional Japanese. (3 h)

Communicating in Japanese for the global workplace. Focuses on professional topics with emphasis on developing intermediate and advanced language skills and intercultural communication skills. P - JPN 230 or POI.

JPN 291. Special Topics in Japanese. (1-3 h)

Develops students’ confidence and skills in handling topical issues in Japanese society and culture using authentic materials. P-JPN 230 or POI.

JPN 296. Japanese across the Curriculum. (1 h)

Coursework in Japanese done as an adjunct to specially-designated courses throughout the college curriculum. P-POI.

JPN 299. Individual Study. (1-3 h)

May be repeated for credit. P-POI.