IAS 210. Introduction to Italian Literature. (3 h)

Italian literature through the centuries focusing on Italy’s most significant contributions to Western literature and culture. Includes major works in poetry, theater, and novels that explore Italian historical, social, and cultural experiences and reflect on the process of literary creation. (D)

IAS 212. Contemporary Italian Fiction. (3 h)

Introduction to works of fiction in post-World War II Italy. Themes vary and may include historical trauma, the changing faces of Italy, and the role and forms of fiction in the contemporary world. (D)

IAS 214. Italian Drama. (3 h)

Survey of Italy’s most influential contributions to the history of theater, ranging from Commedia dell’arte, Renaissance spectacle, and the bourgeois theater of Carlo Goldoni to the Nobel prize-winning 20th century playwrights Luigi Pirandello and Dario Fo. (D)

IAS 220. Italian Women Writers. (3 h)

Through readings, films, and documentaries, explores the foremost issues concerning contemporary women’s writing in the Italian context—women’s fight against marginalization and struggle for freedom, both economic and social, and the right to assert themselves. (D)

IAS 310. Italian Historical Fiction. (3 h)

Inquiry into Italian novels and stories blending fictional and historical elements. (D)

IAS 325. Italian Neorealism in Films and Novels. (3 h)

Study of important films, novels, and short stories of Italian Neorealism, including considerations of the history, philosophy, politics, artistic movements and civic renaissance of postwar Italian life that led to its development. (D)

IAS 360. Dante. (3 h)

Study of the Divina Commédia as epic, prophecy, autobiography, and poetry, relating it to antiquity, Christianity, Dante’s European present, the birth new intellectual and poetic forms, and Dante’s own afterlife in the West. (D)

IAS 375. Special Topics. (3 h)

Selected special topics in Italian literature, cinema, society and/or culture. May be repeated for credit if topic varies.

IAS 380. History of Italian Cinema. (3 h)

Examines the cultural history and aesthetics of motion pictures through the works of significant Italian filmmakers and genres from silent era to the 21st century.