ENT 105. The Entrepreneurial Experience: From Mindset to Entrepreneurial Identity. (1 h)
An exploration and analysis of the entrepreneurial lifecycle from ideation, concept development, launching and building a company, and eventually exiting, with specific focus on developing an entrepreneurial mindset and forming an entrepreneurial identity. The course features guest speakers who have founded companies in various industries.
ENT 200. Foundations of Entrepreneurship: Identifying and Cultivating Valuable Ideas. (3 h)
Examines and cultivates the notion of creativity from the perspective of value creation, inquiry, opportunity recognition, and idea generation. Topics examined through writing and design assignments, group projects, and discussions include awareness, empathy, risk, ethics, self-agency, and social engagement with the express objective of identifying and creating valuable ideas. Provides an introduction to the practice of entrepreneurship and design thinking, along with the development of an entrepreneurial mindset.
ENT 201. Evidence-Based Entrepreneurship: Developing Validated Concepts. (3 h)
Examines how individuals use entrepreneurial skills to craft innovative responses to societal and market needs. Using customer discovery and other evidence-based entrepreneurial methods, students participate in the progression of ideas into validated concepts. P-ENT 200.
ENT 205. Scaling the Entrepreneurial Venture: From Concept to Harvest. (3 h)
Explores the stage in the entrepreneurial lifecycle where validated concepts transition to established ventures. The course is designed to provide exposure to topics critical to success, such as how to scale the venture past early adopters to meet the needs of more mainstream customers. It covers key functional domains including entrepreneurial marketing, finance, fundraising, leadership, and strategy. P - ENT 201.
ENT 301. Topics in Entrepreneurship. (1.5-3 h)
Seminar and/or lecture courses in select topics related to entrepreneurship. May be repeated if course title differs. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours.
ENT 302. Topics in Entrepreneurship. (1.5-3 h)
Seminar and/or lecture courses in select topics related to entrepreneurship. May be repeated if course title differs. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours.
ENT 303. Topics in Entrepreneurship. (1.5-3 h)
Seminar and/or lecture courses in select topics related to entrepreneurship. May be repeated if course title differs. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours.
ENT 304. Topics in Entrepreneurship. (1.5-3 h)
Seminar and/or lecture courses in select topics related to entrepreneurship. May be repeated if course title differs. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours.
ENT 305. Topics in Entrepreneurship. (1.5-3 h)
Seminar and/or lecture courses in select topics related to entrepreneurship. May be repeated if course title differs. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours.
ENT 306. Topics in Entrepreneurship. (1.5-3 h)
Seminar and/or lecture courses in select topics related to entrepreneurship. May be repeated if course title differs. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours.
ENT 310. Arts Entrepreneurship. (3 h)
Introduces entrepreneurial processes and practices in the visual arts, theater, dance, music, and creative writing. Seminar format includes encounters with arts entrepreneurs, investigation of case studies, and research in new and evolving models for creative application of entrepreneurial practices in the arts.
ENT 311. Entrepreneurship Marketing. (3 h)
Explore and examine entrepreneurial marketing strategies that early-stage entrepreneurs with limited resources can implement immediately. Focus includes: digital marketing, branding, messaging, and a hands-on approach to developing an online marketing strategy.
ENT 313. Whole Person Creativity. (3 h)
Interactive studio/seminar that introduces students to the concepts and practices of creativity, innovation, design, and sustainability. Through whole-person engagement, architectural design processes, and place-making studies, students explore the impact of human behaviors on all areas of life and society along a continuum of local to global.
ENT 315. Nonprofit Arts and Education Entrepreneurship: Promotion of Latin-American and Latino Visual Culture. (3 h)
Explores entrepreneurship in promoting Latin-American and U.S. Latino cultures through educational and artistic events and fundraisers on campuses and in the community. Students gain hands-on experience by assisting in the production of Wake Forest exhibitions, events promoting Latin-American and U.S. Latino heritage and culture, related community fundraisers, and nonprofit organizations.
ENT 320. Social Entrepreneurship. (3 h)
Interdisciplinary seminar that introduces the concepts of entrepreneurship with a focus on entrepreneurial activities that further the public good through the integration of core concepts of social and cultural values and ecological sustainability.
ENT 323. Social Entrepreneurship Summer Program. (3 h)
This trans-disciplinary, 4-week program explores the role of social entrepreneurship in society today and challenges students, through a rigorous and integrated curriculum to master the entrepreneurial process involved in furthering the public good through community-based engagement and social change. P-POI.
ENT 330. Entrepreneurship for Scientists. (3 h)
Introduces students to the routes by which scientific discoveries and new technologies find their way to the market place. Covers ideation, determining market potential, business planning, intellectual property, entrepreneurship ethics, venture capital, and venture incubation.
ENT 335. Renewable Energy Entrepreneurship: Science, Policy, and Economics. (4 h)
This team-taught course provides overviews of the most important renewable energy sources. Explores the science, policy and economic issues related to renewable energy and investigates the potential for new markets, new products, and new entrepreneurial opportunities in the marketplace. P - Junior standing and Div V requirements, or POI.
ENT 350. Internships in Entrepreneurial Studies. (1.5-3 h)
Offers the opportunity to apply knowledge in an entrepreneurial for-profit or not-for-profit environment. Requirements include a course journal and a comprehensive report that showcase the student's specific achievements and analyze the quality of his or her experience. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours. P - POI.
ENT 351. Green Technologies: Science and Entrepreneurship. (2-3 h)
Introduces the science and entrepreneurship opportunities of select green technologies. Students learn in the fundamental science associated with energy use and renewable energy and selected green technologies. Students also learn the basics of starting a new business and develop a business plan to bring a "green product" to the market. P-CHM 341 or ENT 201 or POI. Only offered for 2 or 3 hours.
ENT 391. Independent Study in Entrepreneurship. (1.5-3 h)
An independent project involving entrepreneurship or social enterprise carried out under the supervision of the faculty member. May be repeated for credit. P - POI.
ENT 392. Independent Study in Entrepreneurship. (1.5-3 h)
An independent project involving entrepreneurship or social enterprise carried out under the supervision of a faculty member. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours. P - POI.
ENT 394A. Student Entrepreneurship in Action. (1.5-3 h)
This course is built around the real-time challenges and learning that occur as the students in the class launch, run, build, and sell or transition their venture. Promotes intense rigorous intellectual exchange in a seminar setting in which all will not only participate in critical thinking and analysis, but also in problem solving and leadership. Course may be repeated for credit. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours. P - POI.
ENT 394B. Student Entrepreneurship in Action. (1.5-3 h)
This course is built around the real-time challenges and learning that occur as the students in the class launch, run, build, and sell or transition their venture. Promotes intense rigorous intellectual exchange in a seminar setting in which all will not only participate in critical thinking and analysis, but also in problem solving and leadership. Course may be repeated for credit. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours. P - POI.
ENT 399. Startup Lab. (3 h)
Startup Lab is designed to help students take high potential ideas and, after learning best practices on evidence-based entrepreneurship, apply lean startup methodology to their own startup. Students will learn key aspects of building an early stage company such as how to make crucial early stage sales, how to build brand loyalty with early stage customers, key aspects of accounting, finance, and human resources that apply to startups, and how to lead a team. This is a practicum and much of the learning is application-oriented and focuses directly on the startup or the startup team. P-POI.