CLA 151. Ethics in Greece and Rome. (1.5-3 h)

Study and reflection on ethical questions, practices, values, and decision-making in ancient Greece and/or Rome. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours. (D only with the 3-hour option)

CLA 152. Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Antiquity. (3 h)

Exploration of women’s roles in the ancient Mediterranean world and the intersections of gender, sexuality, and power in Greek and Roman society through the study of historical, archaeological, artistic, and literary sources, with a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches. A knowledge of the Greek and Latin languages is not required. (CD, D)

CLA 155. Classical Epic: Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid. (3 h)

Study of the three principal epic poems from ancient Greece and Rome. A knowledge of the Greek and Latin languages is not required. (D)

CLA 159. Vergil and His English Legacy. (3 h)

Study of Vergil’s Eclogues, Georgics, and selected passages of Aeneid, and their reception by English literature, using translations and original works by writers of the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries, including Spenser, Marlowe, Milton, Dryden, and Pope. Knowledge of Latin is not required. (D)

CLA 161. Greek Myth. (3 h)

Consideration, principally through close study of selected literary works, of Greek myth from the Classical, Archaic, and Hellenistic periods, and in Roman literature; the course also will consider Greek myth’s afterlife in the modern period. A knowledge of the Greek language is not required. (D)

CLA 163. Greek Tragedy. (3 h)

Study of the plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. A knowledge of the Greek language is not required. (D)

CLA 164. Greek & Roman Comedy. (3 h)

Study of representative works of Aristophanes, Menander, Plautus, and Terence, with attention to the performance and audiences of comedy and to the differences among and within comic genres. A knowledge of the Greek and Latin languages is not required. (D)

CLA 169. Gaming the Ancient World. (1.5-3 h)

Experiential study of ancient board games and modern games (board, role-playing, digital) dealing with ancient cultures. Readings: ancient literature about play and games; ancient literature underpinning modern game themes. Analyses informed by critical game studies and cultural appropriation studies. (D only if taken for 3h)

CLA 172. A Survey of Latin Literature (in English). (3 h)

Study of selections from Latin literature in English translation. A knowledge of Latin language is not required. (D)

CLA 174. Special Topics. (1.5-3 h)

Special topics in classical literature and culture. May be repeated for credit.

CLA 175. The Age of Pericles. (3 h)

Study of Greek culture in all its aspects during the 5th century. A knowledge of the Greek language is not required. (CD, D)

CLA 176. The Age of Augustus. (3 h)

Study of Roman culture in all its aspects during the early Empire. A knowledge of the Latin language is not required. (CD, D)

CLA 179. The Art, Archaeology, and Culture of the Ancient World. (1.5 h)

Study abroad. Immerse yourself in the physical world and material culture of the ancient world. Encounter some of the most important sites of antiquity, and examine in-person and up-close aspects of ancient history, prehistory, art, and culture. This program will embed readings of literature and modern scholarship in the physical contexts of the ancient world. Study abroad required. P-POI.

CLA 180. Topics in the Ancient Mediterranean World. (3 h)

Study of topics in the literary and material culture of the Greco-Roman World. (CD, D)

CLA 181. Classics Beyond Whiteness. (1.5-3 h)

Studies misconceptions that ancient Greeks and Romans were white; race in Graeco-Roman societies; the role of Classics in modern racial politics; and non-white approaches to Classics. Considers race as social construct; white supremacy, fragility, and privilege; and critical-race-theoretical study of ancient cultures. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours. (CD, D only with the 3-hour option)

CLA 381. Seminar in Classical Studies. (3 h)

Offered by members of the faculty on topics of their choice. A knowledge of Greek and Latin languages is not required. May be repeated for credit. P-any previous course in Classics, Greek, or Latin, or POI.

CLA 388. Individual Study. (1.5-3 h)

Course may be repeated for a total of 6 hours. P-POI. Only offered for 1.5 or 3 hours.

CLA 391. Honors in Classical Studies. (1.5 h)

Directed research for the honors paper. P-POD.

CLA 392. Honors in Classical Studies. (1.5 h)

Directed research for the honors paper. P-POD.