CGS 101. Overseas Study. (1-3 h)

Directed reading and/or field work as part of an approved overseas program under the supervision of a professor, instructor, or the program director/coordinator or the Center for Global Programs and Studies. May be repeated for credit. P-POI.

CGS 105. City as Text. (1-3 h)

Introduction to the historical, cultural, and physical geography of the host city for Wake Forest study abroad programs. Participants travel throughout the city visiting plazas, neighborhoods, museums and other points of interest. Specific attention is given to areas of artistic, architectural, cultural, and historical significance. Students maintain journals and complete reflection papers. Only offered at Wake Forest study abroad locations.

CGS 120. Language and Culture Study. (1-3 h)

Provides communicative and cultural training to students studying on Wake Forest study abroad programs in locations where the languages of the host country is not currently taught at Wake Forest. Course intended to ensure students are not linguistically isolated while abroad; prepares students to interact with locals and increase their ability to reflect on the cross-cultural experience of living in the host country. Topics include explorations of language, culture, art, history, film, and current events. Only offered at Wake Forest study abroad locations.

CGS 130. Global Village Living and Learning Community. (1-3 h)

This interdisciplinary course is designed to create discussion around global issues and global citizenship for residents of the Global Village Living and Learning Community. Students are exposed to a variety of ways to view global citizenship through five global competencies - expression, engagement, discourse, inquiry, and connections. This class is designed to be taken twice, once in the Fall semester and once in Spring semester.

CGS 150. Preparing for Cross-Cultural Engagement Abroad. (1 h)

Introduces students to theoretically-based issues and skills needed for understanding and interacting with people in other cultures. Taken in the semester before the student studies abroad. Pass/Fail only. P- POI.

CGS 151. Cross-Cultural Engagement Abroad. (1 h)

Gives students the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills gained from CGS 150 to develop a better understanding of cultural variables such as value orientations, communication styles, and nonverbal communication. Taken while the student is abroad. Pass/Fail only. P-POI.

CGS 152. Cross-Cultural Engagement and Re-entry. (1 h)

Students reflect on their experience abroad and the cultural learning that occurred there. They also develop strategies for dealing with re-entry and applying the lessons learned now and in the future. Taken in the semester after the student has studied abroad. Pass/ Fail only. P-POI.

CGS 153. Intro US and Univ Culture. (1-3 h)

This course provides students with a better understanding of the framework and cultural milieu of life in the U.S. and at U.S. universities in order to help them make sense of the cultural differences they (will) encounter in academics, customs, politics, media, and sports, among others. Taken by international students prior to or during their first semester at Wake Forest. Pass/Fail only.

CGS 154. Community Based Global Learning. (0-3 h)

Focuses on understanding community based global service engagement in a global context. Students explore the history of service, charity, and ethical service around the world. Using case studies, students consider the role of volunteers as effective global change agents, causes of and barriers to success for global service providers, and the structure and operation of international nonprofit organizations. The course introduces students to theoretically-based issues and skills needed for understanding and interacting with people from cultures different from their own.

CGS 170. Special Topics. (0-3 h)

Topics that are not covered in other international studies courses. May be repeated for up to six hours if the topic changes.

CGS 228. Individual Study. (1-3 h)

Intensive research leading to the completion of an individual project conducted under the supervision of a faculty member. Students are responsible for initiating the project and securing permission of an appropriate faculty member. P-POI.

CGS 229. Internship in International Studies. (1-3 h)

Field work directly related to international issues in a public or private setting under the supervision of a faculty member. Related readings and an analytical paper are minimum requirements. Students are responsible for initiating the project and securing the permission of an appropriate instructor. P-POI.

CGS 250. Introduction to Contemporary Global Studies. (3 h)

An overview of key themes related to the study of international issues. Topics include but are not limited to migration, urbanization, economic development, trade, foreign aid, nationalism and identify, consumerism, gender and culture. (CD)

CGS 260. Seminar in Global Trade and Commerce Studies. (3 h)

Provides integrative knowledge in global trade and commerce. Focuses on understanding the global environment and the variety of issues associated with global trade and commerce.