BMB 301. Special Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (3 h)

Courses in selected special topics in biochemistry and molecular biology. May be repeated for credit if course content differs. P - POI.

BMB 370. Biochemistry I: Macromolecules and Metabolism. (3 h)

Introduces principles of biochemistry including structure, function, and biosynthesis of biological molecules, analysis of enzyme function and activity, bioenergetics, and regulation of metabolic pathways. Also listed as BIO 370 and CHM 370. P-any two of the following with associated labs: CHM 122 (or CHM 123), CHM 280 or BIO 265.

BMB 388. Senior Seminar in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (1 h)

Discussion of contemporary research and introduction to the biochemical and molecular biology literature and research skills and approaches. Pass/Fail only. Senior status required. P-BMB 370/BIO 370/CHM 370.

BMB 390. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research Experience. (0-2 h)

Research experience and written report for off campus or summer research by prearrangement. Pass/Fail only. May be repeated for credit. P-POI.

BMB 391. Independent Research. (0.5-2 h)

Working under the guidance of a faculty member or research staff member, students will conduct an independent research project that involves the collection and analysis of data, and that culminates in a written paper or poster to be submitted to the sponsoring faculty or staff member. P-POI.

BMB 392. Independent Research. (0.5-2 h)

Working under the guidance of a faculty member or research staff member, students will conduct an independent research project that involves the collection and analysis of data, and that culminates in a written paper or poster to be submitted to the sponsoring faculty or staff member. P-POI.

BMB 393. Independent Research. (0.5-2 h)

Working under the guidance of a faculty member or research staff member, students will conduct an independent research project that involves the collection and analysis of data, and that culminates in a written paper or poster to be submitted to the sponsoring faculty or staff member. P-POI.

BMB 394. Independent Research. (0.5-2 h)

Working under the guidance of a faculty member or research staff member, students will conduct an independent research project that involves the collection and analysis of data, and that culminates in a written paper or poster to be submitted to the sponsoring faculty or staff member. P-POI.

BMB 395. Senior Research Project. (2 h)

Writing of senior research project or honors thesis. Senior status required. P or C-two of the following: BMB 390/BMB 391/BIO 391/CHM 391, BMB 392/BIO 392/CHM 392.