BEM 201. Quantitative Analysis I. (3 h)

Emphasizes the understanding and application of quantitative tools used in the business decision-making process. Issues covered include collection and presentation of data, sampling, and inferences. P-ACC 111 with a C or better and sophomore standing; or POI. (QR)

BEM 202. Quantitative Analysis II. (3 h)

Emphasizes the understanding and application of quantitative tools for analysis and managerial decision-making. Topics include such statistical tools as Chi-Square methods, analysis of variance and regression, and correlation analysis. Management science tools include statistical decision theory and some deterministic optimization models such as linear programming and its varous extensions. Application of these methods to the analysis of decisions from various functional areas of business is an important component of the course. P- BEM 201.

BEM 211. Organizational Behavior. (3 h)

This survey course provides a broad overview of several evidence-based theories and frameworks of organizational behavior (OB) at the individual, group and organizational levels of analysis that can be applied to help identify, diagnose and provide solutions to important organizational challenges. In this way, students will gain the requisite knowledge and skills necessary to become more effective working professionals. P- or C- (For BEM majors only) BEM 287.

BEM 221. Principles of Marketing. (3 h)

Investigates the means by which firms create, maintain, and improve relationships with customers through the development of strong brands and effective marketing programs. Emphasizes the application, rather than the acquisition, of marketing knowledge. Explores how the four Ps-product, price, place, and promotion-can be used to solve problems, exploit opportunities and meet challenges in the global marketplace. Discussions, cases, objecive tests, in-class exercises and a marketing campaign project are among the instructional methods used. P-ECN 150, ACC 111, or POI.

BEM 241. Productions and Operations Management. (3 h)

Introduces the basic concepts of operations strategy and operations planning in support of the business strategy of the firm. Topics include: operations strategy, quality management, project planning and control, capacity planning, location, layout, demand forecasting, supply chain management, aggregate planning, production scheduling, and inventory systems. P-BEM 201; STA 112 for MBU majors.

BEM 251. Management Information Systems. (3 h)

Introduction to the business issues associated with information systems, designed to provide a broad perspective for utilizing and managing an organization's information resources. Frameworks are presented for understanding the placement and relationship of different types of information systems within an organization. Includes an overview of computing technology currently used in business organizations, techniques for developing and implementing information systems, advanced applications of information technology, and the strategic implications of information systems and technology for business.

BEM 261. Legal Environment of Business. (3 h)

Study of the legal environment in which business decisions are made in profit and nonprofit organizations. Emphasis is on how the law develops and how economic, political, social, international, and ethical considerations influence this development. Includes an overview of private law topics (such as torts, contracts, and agency) and public regulation of the employment relationship, the competitive marketplace and the environment. P- ACC 111.

BEM 287. Professional Development Workshop Series A. (0-1.5 h)

Enhances students' career-building skills through a series of workshops designed to address specific dimensions of professional development and career management. Students select from a menu of opportunities available during their first year in the management program, content varies. Pass/Fail only. P- Admission to the School of Business and the BEM major.

BEM 312. Human Resource Management. (3 h)

Focuses on important human resources management (HRM) skills that are frequently used by general managers. Upon completion of the course, students should be literate in basic HRM concepts, knowledgable of general managers' HRM responsibilities, and skilled in HRM applications as prospective managers. P- BEM 211.

BEM 315. Managing in a Global Context. (3 h)

Focuses on professional effectiveness in a global setting, whether in a global company, leading a global team, or doing business abroad. Emphasis is on cross-cultural differences and their impact on the conduct of business. Conducted in a seminar format, the course examines the complexities involved in operating in different cultures and the implications which these cultural differences have on managing organizations and employee behavior. P-BEM 211 or POI.

BEM 316. Leading in Nonprofit Sector. (3 h)

Explores the role of nonprofit organizations (churches, schools, civic organizations, health clinics, etc.) and examines how to effectively lead them.  Basic knowledge areas of responsibility in nonprofit organizations (i.e. legal classifications and issues, recruiting and managing volunteers, community development, fundraising, board development and ethical concerns) are covered.   Pertinent leadership theories and issues addressed. One half of the available seats are open to non-School of Business majors. P-Junior or senior standing.

BEM 318. Calloway Leadership Experience. (3 h)

Explores the history, art, science and practice of leadership in organizational settings. Focuses on theories and contemporary applications of such issues as change, vision, communication, coaching, followership, and motivation. The experience will capitalize on liberal arts background, previous business courses and students' practicum experience to demonstrate practical leadership insights. Emphasis will be placed upon merging theory and practice using experiential learning to prepare students to excel in leadership positions in their organizations and communities. P - Senior standing and BEM 287.

BEM 322. Global Marketing Strategy. (3 h)

Builds on BEM 221 to explore strategic issues in the global marketplace in greater depth through intensive examination of cases from consumer and industrial markets; product and service businesses; and for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Analyzes social, cultural, economic, legal, and political factors present in the global marketplace and their impact on planning and implementing marketing strategy. Focuses on building analytical and decision-making skills. Objective is to ensure students understand the key role of marketing strategy in achieving and maintaining competitive advantage in an ever-changing, increasingly complex global business environment. P-BEM 221.

BEM 323. Selected Topics in Marketing. (3 h)

Identifies the most current marketing topics and practices in the dynamic global marketplace and covers them in detail. Focuses on the application of leading-edge concepts and ideas in the creation of superior marketing strategies. Seminar approach requires active student participation in the identification, elaboration, and discussions of course material. P- BEM 221.

BEM 324. Marketing Research. (3 h)

Introduction to fundamentals of research methodology and use of research information in marketing decision-making. Topics include research design, data collection methods, scaling, sampling, and alternate methods of statistical data analysis. Students design and execute their own research projects. P- BEM 201 and 221.

BEM 325. Consumer Behavior. (3 h)

Focuses on understanding the customers/comsumers/buyers/clients/patients/patrons without whom marketing and business cannot survive. Examines consumer motivations, influences, decision-making processes and behaviors as they relate to the development of competitive marketing strategy. Discussions, mini-cases, in-class exercises, and a project are among the instructional methods used in the course. P- BEM 221 or POI.

BEM 326. Brand Management and New Product Development. (3 h)

Provides students with a unique insight into the role of a brand manager charged with identifying and implementing strategies to measure, manage and build brand equity over time. Special emphasis will be placed on identifying new sources of profitable growth while enhancing brand equity through strategic new product development. A team-based approach is utilized and supported by lectures, case studies, guest speakers, and a semester-long brand equity assessment/new product development project. P-BEM 221

BEM 327. Marketing Communications. (3 h)

Designed for students whose career plans involve making strategic marketing decisions. Emphasizes ways to foster relationships with consumers by establishing a dialogue through advertising, consumer and trade promotions, the Internet, direct mail, publicity, packaging, point of sale material and event sponsorship. Discussions, cases, in-class exercises, oral presentations, and a marketing communications campaign project are among the instructional methods used in the course. P- BEM 221.

BEM 328. Sports Marketing. (3 h)

Focuses on the application of the strategic marketing process to the rapidly growing sports industry. Varied elements of the industry are examined: understanding the sports consumer; marketing and media; advertising and communication; promotion and special events; licensing; and corporate sponsorships. Current research, including gender-specific marketing, using athletes as endorsers, segmenting the sports market, measuring value of sponsorship, and the impact of technology on sports are covered. P- ECN 150 or equivalent.

BEM 329. Marketing Analytics. (3 h)

This course will cover the principles and strategic concepts of marketing analytics, a high-growth area that uses quantitative strategies, resource allocation decisions, and return on marketing investment (ROMI). Topics may include forecasting and positioning; predictive analytics; customer profitability; digital and social media analytics; and resource allocation. P - BEM 201, 221.

BEM 332. Financial Statement Analysis. (1.5 h)

This course is intended to present you with a framework for using financial and market information to analyze a business and assess its potential market value.  The focus will be on the information included in a firm’s financial statements and the accompanying notes, however you will also consider how other available information is relevant to this analysis.  Throughout the semester we will examine (i) how to analyze and assess a company’s business strategy, (ii) how to interpret and analyze differences in firm-specific application of accounting techniques, (iii) how to analyze financial data in a systematic and logical method, (iv) techniques for forecasting financial information, and (v) techniques for equity valuation.  These components will then be pulled together into a comprehensive framework for evaluating a business focusing on the available financial information.  P- FIN 231; BEM 201 or POI.

BEM 342. Project Management. (1.5 h)

With today's problems being increasingly more complex, this course offers an important skill set addressing these problems by covering concepts and issues important in effectively managing projects. Some of the topics are project selection, project planning, resource allocation, project control, project auditing, as well as team creation and team leadership. Upon completion of this course, students will have an understanding of the challenges and opportunities involved in project management. They will also understand the types of decisions involved in effectively completing a project meeting stakeholders' expectations, on time, and within budget. P-  BEM 201 or POI.

BEM 362. Contemporary Issues in Law and Public Policy. (3 h)

In a seminar setting, the course explores emerging topics that have the capacity to affect the marketplace in significant ways. flowing naturally from previous law-oriented classes, it provides the opportunity for students to delve more deeply and critically into the actual policies that give rise to legislation, case precedent, and regulation. As such, the course encourages strategic thinking about decision-making in a complex, ever-changing business environment. P-BEM 261.

BEM 365. Ethics and Business Leadership. (3 h)

An interdisciplinary exploration of ethics applied to business. Lectures, readings, and case-based approach introduce the necessary background information. Examples of ethical and unethical situations are used to develop an understanding of how an efficient and effective business can also be ethical. P- Junior or senior standing.

BEM 371. Strategic Management. (3 h)

Focuses on the derivation of competitive advantage and sustainable, superior performance by organizations. Emphasizes the shape, character, and overall direction of the total enterprise, and the activities of managers who are responsible for achieving strategic coordination and coherence across functions and divisions. Course content includes analyzing the effects of industry and competitive environments on the firm, determining the basis upon which the firm should compete, formulating and implementing integrative action plans, and strategic leadership. Strategy analysis frameworks are applied to situations including for-profit and nonprofit organizations, diversification, global strategy, and strategic change. This is a discussion-oriented class in which principles of strategic management are applied to complex case studies. P-(all majors) BEM 211, 221 and FIN 231. P or C-(all majors) BEM 241. P-(BEM majors only) BEM 287, 389. C – BEM 388.

BEM 372. Strategic Management in Entrepreneurial Firms. (3 h)

Core foundational concepts in strategic management are critically examined in the context of entrepreneurial firm settings. Emphasis is placed on applying principles of competitive analysis and strategic planning using case studies of startups, fast-growth firms, young firms in rapidly changing industries, firms confronting early organizational life cycle problems, and new ventures seeking to expand internationally. Unique strategy issues confronted by new ventures and by firms operating in electronic commerce, technology, and other fast-paced industries will be considered. This is a discussion-oriented class in which principles of strategic management are applied to complex case studies. P (All majors)-BEM 211, 221, and FIN 231. P or C-BEM 241. P-(BEM majors only)-BEM 287 and BEM 389. C – BEM 388.

BEM 373. Strategy Games. (3 h)

Provides an introduction to game theory and strategic thinking in a business context. Students will develop skill in formulating simultaneous and sequential game decisions and thinking ahead to endgame outcomes. Through a series of cases and exercises, students will gain experience recognizing the different types of strategic moves, implementing credible commitments and threats, and appreciating optimal mechanism design as a mode of analysis for changing the structure of tactical games. P-Only open to School of Business majors.

BEM 375. Contemporary Issues in Business and Foundations of Capitalism. (3 h)

Explores contemporary business issues such as corporate social responsibility, government regulation of business, health care and/or tax policy implications for business, stakeholders versus stockholders, and sources of economic development in less-developed nations. To do so we examine the foundations of capitalism its moral and intellectual underpinnings, the principal arguments that challenge and support capitalism and free markets, and the obligations of free institutions in society. This will be accomplished by reading a combination of novels, the work of leading political economists who have shaped generations of thinking at the highest levels of government and academia about capitalism, economics and free markets and recently-published works by business and political leaders.

BEM 376. Introduction to Consulting. (1.5 h)

This course is designed to expose you to the consulting mindset and the typical phases of a consulting engagement – selling a project, defining the problem/objective, gathering data, analysis, diagnosing solutions, and implementing recommendations. Effort will be placed on developing proficiencies in a range of skills required to practice consulting –e.g., critical thinking; data analysis; communication; relationship management; and the advanced use of software tools.

BEM 377. Entrepreneurship. (3 h)

Exposes students to multiple facets of entrepreneurship and teaches about creating new ventures in a very hands-on fashion. A broad range of ideas, readings, and cases enable students to understand the ambiguous and highly-charged environment of entrepreneurship, the contribution of entrepreneurial endeavors to business and society, and the characteristics of successful new venture startups. Focuses on three areas that define successful entrepreneurial pursuit of new for-profit, non-profit, and social enterprise initiatives: recognizing opportunity, management, and assembling resources. The completion of a team-based business plan for a new venture is usually required. Guest speakers present their views of entrepreneurial organizations based on real-world experiences- startup, financing, legal, transition, failure, etc. P- BEM 211, 221, and 231, or POI.

BEM 380. Finding Your Personal Value Proposition. (1-3 h)

An examination of selected topics in business. May be repeated if course title differs.

BEM 381. Individualized Reading and Research. (1-3 h)

Directed study in specialized areas of business. P- POI.

BEM 383. Seminar in Negotiations. (3 h)

Focuses on the process of conducting successful negotiations in a business setting. Introduces concepts, theories, and analytical frameworks that underlie common negotiation techniques. Practical skills are emphasized through negotiation exercises and the analysis of contemporary business situatuions. Lectures, discussions, and role plays are among the instructional methods used. P- Senior status or POI.

BEM 384. Design-Thinking and High-Performance Teams. (3 h)

In this experiential class, we study the evolution of high-performance teams in design-thinking environments. At its core, design thinking is an approach to innovative problem solving that balances art, science, and business perspectives in realistic and highly impactful ways. In this course we develop the ability to participate in and lead high-performance teams within a design-thinking environment. The course involves an action-learning project that applies the perspectives of anthropology, history, political science, communication, and psychology, among others, in solving a real-world problem. Also listed as ENT 384.

BEM 386. Selected Topics in Real Estate. (1.5 h)

Examines the most pertinent topics in real estate. Focuses on subjects such as ownership and interest, the legal aspects of real estate, real estate finance and real estate trends. P-Senior standing and POI.

BEM 388. Management Simulation. (1.5 h)

Designed to integrate the functional areas of business through the use of an experiential simulation that requires students to draw on their learning from previous courses in operations, marketing, finance, human resource management, information systems, and strategic management. Students are organized into cross-functional management teams, and the teams are required to make plans for a business enterprise operating in a competitive environment, to make critical managerial decisions in response to real-world situations that arise, and to present their work to a faculty committee. P-Senior standing and BEM 211, BEM 221, BEM 241, BEM 251, and FIN 231; C-BEM 371 or 372 (MBU majors are exempt from strategy requirement).

BEM 389. Management Internship. (3 h)

The internship is a supervised learning experience that applies business coursework to an actual work environment for academic credit. The internship is subject to approval and consists of both academic and on-the-job learning components. P- Acceptance as a BEM major and completion of 15 hours of Calloway credit which must include BEM 211 and 287.

BEM 391. Global Business Studies. (3 h)

BEM 392. Seminar in Mathematical Business Analysis. (3 h)

Provides mathematical business majors with a forum where they can actually see how the mathematical, statistical, and computer techniques can be brought to bear on many business problems in a variety of business functions. Emphasis is more on studying the process of modeling and implementation issues of the solutions and less on the algorithmic details. Critical and reflective thinking about models and translation of their results into management action that will add value to a process, or a system is a major objective. Another objective of the seminar is to foster group work and the sharpening of presentation skills. P-BEM 211, 221, 241, FIN 231, MTH 253, STA 112 and STA 363.

BEM 393. Principles of Risk Management. (3 h)

Intended to assist students in identifying and analyzing risk and in managing it through a variety of mechanisms. Techniques such as loss control, risk retention, and risk transfer are discussed. This course also includes professional risk management field work, under the direction of a faculty member. Students will gain relevant practical experience that is integrated with casework and risk management theory. Emphasis is on analysis, decision-making in a global environment, teamwork, written and verbal skills, presentation skills, and using technology to solve problems. P-Junior or senior standing and POI.