CMS 710. Communications Today. (3 h)

Today’s professionals encounter an increasingly complex organizational environment. The course introduces students to foundational concepts of the Information Economy, focusing on media's recent evolution and the impact of this digitization, including subsequent changes in the work environment and human interaction, 21st century literacies, and relevant theories to shed light on how to manage current and emerging social trends.

CMS 712. Communications Research. (3 h)

Strategic communicators understand that data is an essential basis for well-planned strategies. This course provides the knowledge of research design and data interpretation, helping communications professionals become proficient consumers and ethical producers of research-based arguments.

CMS 714. Digital Communications Engagement. (3 h)

In today’s digital world, consumers of digital messaging are also producers of digital content. Today’s professionals must not only keep up with the near-constant changes in media platforms but must use multiple channels to generate content and listen to users. This course helps build a foundation in current digital practices and emerging media technologies, including digital brand storytelling, content marketing strategy, social media marketing, influencer marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).

CMS 720. Crisis and Issues Communications. (3 h)

Real and perceived threats can pose major challenges for organizations. These threats can range from attacks on an organization’s reputation to managing the proliferation of misinformation communicated in both external and internal channels, inclusive of social media. This course provides the tools, approaches, and confidence to manage long-term challenges as part of crisis & issues management and public relations strategy.

CMS 722. Strategic Communications. (3 h)

Internal and external stakeholders expect greater transparency and responsiveness from organizational leaders today. This course emphasizes the practice of internal and external strategic communications through the analysis of case studies spanning corporate communications, public relations, marketing, and social media. This course examines real organizational challenges and students work to identify solutions.

CMS 724. Public Relations. (3 h)

Public relations (PR) professionals are increasingly tasked with building and maintaining multi-directional relationships with both internal and external key stakeholders. This course introduces practical approaches to communicating persuasively and building managing corporate reputation, driving awareness and affinity for the brand among a wide array of stakeholders.

CMS 730. Communications Leadership, Organizational Culture & Ethics. (3 h)

Most organizations have a mission or values statement. How many organizations are living it? This course helps identify leadership strategies for ensuring organizational strategies are aligned with the organization's mission and values and serve the broader goals of business and society. Learn more about the important role communications professionals have in influencing organizational cultures and engaging in corporate and social responsibility to build trust and make a positive, authentic impact. Effective leaders communicate consistently and in alignment with organizational missions that represent the highest ethical standards.

CMS 732. Leading through Intercultural Communications. (3 h)

Equitable practices foster trust and commitment to organizations and brands. Communication leaders must develop intercultural awareness and competence that reflect diversity of thought, culture, and experience. Learn how to assess and design inclusive communication strategies and put them into action.

CMS 750. Champion Corporate Branding. (3 h)

Companies with a strong brand purpose have stronger customer and employee loyalty. Is your company’s brand strong? How can you start with the “why” of your brand rather than the “what” and “how” of a product line? In this course, you will learn to recognize strong brands and identify strategies for strengthening brand purpose.

CMS 799. Consultative Project. (3 h)

Learning is forged through application. This immersive course applies communications skills and knowledge through a hands-on consultative project. Students will develop a communications plan to solve a current real-world challenge for an existing company or organization.