Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and CLEP

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate credit for college level work done in high school is available on the basis of the Advanced Placement Examination of The College Board and International Baccalaureate (IB) subject tests. Students are not allowed to exempt divisional core requirements through the Advanced Placement Examination, the College Level Examination, or the International Baccalaureate subject tests. Although students who successfully complete AP or IB exams earn credit towards the 120 hours needed for graduation, such credit courses do not satisfy the divisional requirements as the student must complete the required divisional courses while enrolled at Wake Forest. Students are permitted to take courses at Wake Forest for which they have received Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate credit. Students must contact the Registrar’s Office in order to be allowed to do so. When this happens, students lose the AP or IB credit but the notation remains on the transcript. Once such credit has been forfeited it cannot be reinstated.

Under certain conditions, especially well-prepared applicants may be granted limited college credit through the subject tests of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) of the Educational Testing Service. Such credit may be assigned with the approval of the department concerned or the dean of business.

Transfer Credit

All work attempted in other colleges and universities must be reported to the Office of the University Registrar. Students wishing to receive transfer credit for work to be under­taken elsewhere must have a cumulative grade point average of no less than 2.0, must not be on academic probation or suspension of any kind from Wake Forest, and must obtain departmental approval following the prescribed process overseen by the Office of the University Registrar. For entering transfer students, credit may be accepted from accredited colleges and universities, including two-year colleges. For enrolled Wake Forest students and students readmitted to Wake Forest, transfer credit is accepted only from approved four-year institutions. For transfer hours to be accepted, the grade in any course must be C or better. Courses completed at other colleges or universities with the grade of C- or lower are not awarded transfer hours in Wake Forest. Of the 120 credit hours required for the baccalaureate, the minimum number of credit hours that must be earned in Wake Forest programs depends on whether the transferred courses were taken before or after enrolling at Wake Forest. (Refer to the Requirements for Degrees for more details.) Courses being considered for transfer that are not based on semester hour credits will not receive a higher conversion value than the value of the Wake Forest course.

After a student enrolls at Wake Forest, courses in anthropology, art, biology, chemistry, computer science, English, German, history, mathematics, philosophy, physics, Russian, or sociology cannot transfer in to satisfy divisional requirements.

Applications for transfer credit from online and distance learning courses are evaluated on an individual basis. No more than 15 credit hours earned through fully online courses taken after matriculation at Wake Forest may be applied toward graduation; of these, no more than eight credit hours taken at another institution after matriculation at Wake Forest may be transferred for credit. It is the responsibility of the student to disclose to the Office of the University Registrar whether a class is an online or distance learning class. Undergraduate students in the College may not enroll in any online course for credit during their first two semesters at Wake Forest.

Dual enrollment courses, college level courses taken at institutions other than Wake Forest, are treated as transfer credit if the given course meets the University’s standard criteria for transfer credit.

Courses with academic merit that meet the general criteria for transfer but are not approved by departments or programs may be eligible for General Elective Credit (GEC).  Students should contact the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) for more information.