
Final examinations for each class are scheduled at specific periods during the six final examination days at the end of the term. All examinations are conducted in accordance with the Honor and Ethics System adopted by the student body and approved by the faculty. Students should have no more than two final exams in a 24-hour period.  They should be allowed to reschedule exams in excess of two in a 24-hour period.


For most courses carrying undergraduate credit, there are twelve final grades: A (exceptionally high achievement), A-, B+, B (superior), B-, C+, C (satisfactory), C-, D+, D, D- (passing but unsatisfactory), and F (failure).

Incomplete Grade Designation. “I” (incomplete) may be assigned only when a student fails to complete the work of a course because of illness or some other extenuating circumstance that is beyond the student’s control. If the work recorded as "I" is not completed within thirty days after the student begins his or her next semester, the grade is automatically changed to the grade of F. 

Not Reported Grade Designation. “NR” (Not Reported) is an administrative designation assigned by the University Registrar indicating that a faculty member has not reported a grade or grades by the reporting deadline. It is expected that the appropriate earned grade will quickly be reported. However, if the NR grade is not replaced within 45 days after the student enters his or her next semester, the NR is automatically changed to a grade of F.

Grade Points. Grades are assigned grade points per hour for the computation of academic averages, class standing, and eligibility for continuation, as follows:      

Grade Points
for each grade of A 4.00 points
for each grade of A- 3.67 points
for each grade of B+ 3.33 points
for each grade of B 3.00 points
for each grade of B- 2.67 points
for each grade of C+ 2.33 points
for each grade of C 2.00 points
for each grade of C- 1.67 points
for each grade of D+ 1.33 points
for each grade of D 1.00 points
for each grade of D- 0.67 points
for each grade of F no points
for each grade of I no points
for each grade of NR no points

Pass/Fail. To encourage students to venture into fields outside their major areas of competence and concentration, the College makes available the option, under certain conditions, of registering in courses on a pass/fail basis. The criteria for a passing grade can vary, and is established by the instructor. Courses taken under the pass/fail option yield full credit when passed but, whether passed or not, are not computed in the grade point average. The last day to change from grade mode to pass/fail is the drop date. The last day to change from pass/fail to grade mode is the Friday of the twelfth week of the semester. 

A student may count no more than 18 hours taken on a student-elected pass/fail basis toward the degree. First-year students are not eligible to elect the pass/fail mode but may enroll for courses offered only on a pass/fail basis. Second, third, and fourth-year students at Wake Forest may count no more than 4 student-elected pass/fail hours in a given semester. Courses used to fulfill core, quantitative reasoning, cultural diversity, major, minor, or certificate program requirements may not be taken on a pass/fail basis unless they are offered only on that basis. Courses in the major(s) not used for satisfying major requirements may be taken on a pass/fail basis if the department of the major does not specify otherwise and if the student obtains the written or electronic permission of his or her academic advisor and the course instructor. Any student who is eligible to enroll for pass/fail credit must follow the prescribed enrollment process overseen by the Office of the University Registrar.

No courses in the School of Business may be taken pass/fail unless they are offered only on that basis.

Grade Reports and Transcripts

The registrar will announce interim and final grades in the students’ Workday account, usually the day following the faculty grade reporting deadline.

Official transcripts of the permanent educational record will be issued by the registrar upon the student’s request, unless there are unresolved issues.

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the University has the right to inform parents/guardians of dependent students and certain other individuals of the contents of the educational records. Additional information about FERPA can be found in the University Policies section of this Bulletin.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List is issued after the end of the fall and spring semesters. It includes all full-time, degree-seeking students in the College and the School of Business who have a grade point average of 3.4 or better for a full-time course load in the semester and who have earned no grade below C during the semester. Students registered for part-time are not eligible for the Dean's List. 

Graduation Distinctions (Latin Honors)

Effective for the Class of 2024 forward, the candidate for a degree with distinction must earn a cumulative grade point average (GPA), based on all grades earned in Wake Forest courses, sufficient to place the candidate in the top 30 percent of their graduating class, with the honors awarded at the following specific percentage cut offs: 

  • Top 5% are to be awarded the distinction of summa cum laude
  • Next 10% are to be awarded the distinction of magna cum laude
  • Next 15% are to be awarded the distinction of cum laude 

Percentages will be calculated on the basis of those degree candidates for May (GPA cut-offs for May candidates will be in-effect for the following August and December degree candidates). Cumulative GPAs will be calculated to three decimal places and truncated without rounding. 

Repetition of Courses

A Wake Forest course can be repeated at Wake Forest if the grade earned is C- or lower. In this case, all grades received will appear on the transcript, but the course will be counted only one time for credit. If a student fails a course previously passed, the hours originally earned will not be forfeited. For purposes of determining the cumulative grade point average, a course will be considered as attempted only once, and the grade points assigned will reflect the highest grade received. A grade of irreplaceable F received in a class as a consequence of an honor violation does not prevent a student from repeating the class, but if the repeat successfully earns credit for the class, both the repeat grade and the irreplaceable F will be included in the cumulative grade point average.