The Mac Bryan Prophetic Preaching Series
Established in honor and memory of George McLeod “Mac” Bryan, Sr. (’41, MA ’44) by George (’61) and Carol (’64) Williamson, long-time supporters of Wake Forest and early advocates for the importance of the School of Divinity. Bryan was professor of religion and taught at the University for thirty-seven years after joining the religion faculty in 1956. He introduced courses on feminism, religion and science, medical ethics, and black and liberation theology. He fought tirelessly for Civil Rights, pursued social reform, and was instrumental in helping to integrate Wake Forest College in the 1960s. Bryan wrote several books on social justice, including These Few Also Paid a Price and Voices in the Wilderness. The series brings preachers and speakers to campus who will inspire students to live and serve at the intersection of Christianity and social justice.
The Margaret A. Steelman Lectures
Endowed in 1998 with a gift from Sanford L. Steelman, a distinguished biochemist from Hickory, NC, in honor of his wife Margaret A. Steelman. The endowment invites prominent lecturers of Judeo-Christian theology to the School of Divinity each year. Past lecturers include distinguished speakers Susan R. Garrett of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Marcus J. Borg, acclaimed author and theologian, William Schweiker, Edward L. Ryerson, distinguished service professor of theological ethics at the University of Chicago Divinity School.
The Elizabeth and Robert Strickland Speaker Series on Religion
This speaker series was established in 2021 by Mrs. Elizabeth Strickland in memory of her late husband, Robert Strickland. A voracious reader with a deep commitment to spiritual inquiry and theological education, Mrs. Strickland wanted to underwrite this lecture series as part of her larger commitment to Wake Forest School of Divinity to expose students and the larger community to leading religious intellectuals.