Complainants and accused students may file a written request with the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Services of the School of Divinity within fourteen calendar days of the notification to the student. In the letter to the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Services, the student must indicate the reasons for the appeal and supply any relevant documents supporting the appeal. Grounds for an appeal include:

  • Sufficiency of the evidence to support the decision;
  • Appropriateness of the sanction;
  • Germane new evidence not available at the time of the hearing that could significantly impact the outcome; and/or
  • Procedural errors that significantly impact the outcome.

After reviewing the request for appeal, the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Services may deny the request for an appeal, may render a new decision in the case, or may increase or decrease the severity of the action taken. The Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Services will render a final decision on the appeal and inform the student of this decision in writing. Records will be kept of the outcome of the proceedings and kept in the student’s file.