Alleged breaches in non-academic student conduct and/or professional integrity should be reported in a timely manner to the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Services, who will conduct a preliminary investigation. Failure to report alleged breaches in a timely manner could impede the school’s ability to investigate or substantiate the allegations. The Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Services may consult with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. If further investigation is required, the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Services, in collaboration with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, may then appoint an ad hoc committee consisting of two faculty members and chaired by an additional faculty member. If such a committee is appointed, the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Services will inform the accused student in writing of the allegations against the accused, the name(s) of those who reported the charges, and the date, time, and place of the hearing on these charges. If further investigation is not required, the person reporting the alleged breach will be notified of that fact in writing.

The accused will be allowed reasonable time to prepare a response and will be granted the privilege of an advisor to be chosen by the student from the School of Divinity faculty. The advisor shall assist the student in the process. In all hearings, the accused will have the right to be present at all times during the hearing except when the committee retires to deliberate and makes its decision. Evidence shall be admitted without regard to the rules of evidence in courts of law. The accused student may present evidence to the committee.

All materials and information related to the case should be confidentially submitted to the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Services. Any verbal reports related to the case will be documented in writing by the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Services. A written summary report of the findings will be provided by the Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Services to the accused student, the ad hoc faculty committee, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and the Dean of the School of Divinity.

After a thorough review of the case, the committee will decide whether the accused has violated the code of conduct. A majority vote of the committee will suffice for a finding of responsibility. If the person is found to have violated the student code of conduct, the committee may decide on one or more of the following actions or such other action as the committee deems appropriate:

  1. A written reprimand;
  2. Denial of specified University privileges;
  3. Payment of restitution;
  4. Educational or service sanctions, including community service;
  5. Disciplinary probation;
  6. Imposition of reasonable terms and conditions on continued student status;
  7. Removal from a course in progress;
  8. Enrollment restrictions on a course or program;
  9. Suspension; or
  10. Expulsion.