The Wake Forest University School of Divinity expects good citizenship and responsible behavior from students. When these expectations are not met, the non-academic misconduct process may be used to redirect students into more acceptable patterns of behavior. This process encourages students to take responsibility for their choices and actions, while also allowing the University to determine an appropriate disciplinary response. This includes commitments as they relate to the Sexual Misconduct Policy and the Student Code of Conduct outlined in the Office of the Dean of Students.

Misconduct cases may result in the sanction of a formal reprimand and the imposition of an educational condition, or a more severe level of sanction, including disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion. Students need to be aware that certain types of behaviors may be deemed incompatible with membership in the School’s community and that choices they make can compromise their education and future.

The list below, while not exhaustive, includes examples of the types of prohibited conduct for which students are subject to disciplinary action:

  1. Actual or threatened physical injury to any person on University owned or controlled property or at a University-sponsored or supervised function, or conduct that endangers the health or safety of a person.
  2. Engaging in individual or group conduct that is violent, abusive, indecent, unreasonably loud, or similar disorderly conduct that infringes upon the privacy, rights, or privileges of others or disturbs the peace or the orderly process of education on campus. Alleged sexual misconduct will be governed under the University’s sexual misconduct policy.
  3. In violation of University policy, unauthorized use, possession, or storage of any weapon or explosive (including fireworks) on University premises or at University sponsored activities.
  4. Forgery, counterfeiting, alteration, or misuse of any University record, document, or identification card.
  5. Unauthorized entry into or alteration of any University computer records, or violation of University computer use policies.
  6. Sending threatening or obscene messages to another student or individual via e-mail, phone, or voice-mail.
  7. Knowingly filing a false police, honor code, or non-academic honor code report.
  8. Misrepresentation in seeking financial aid or University benefits.
  9. Unlawful possession, use, distribution, or sale of any narcotic or dangerous drug as defined by the statutes of the State of North Carolina and/or University policies.
  10. Theft of, or unwarranted damage to, University property or property of any member of the University community.
  11. Failure to comply with Housing regulations.
  12. Failure to comply with the lawful directives of University employees acting within the scope of their duties; including those directives issued by a University administrator to ensure the safety and well-being of students.
  13. Entry into, or use of, any building, facility, or room or other University property or grounds without authorized approval. This also includes the unauthorized possession or use of University keys, lock combinations, or other access codes.
  14. Participation in illegal gambling activities on University-owned or -controlled property or at a function identified with the University.
  15. Possession, or consumption, of alcoholic beverages in contradiction of state law and/or University policy.
  16. Entering or attempting to enter any event without proper credentials for admission (e.g., ticket, identification card, or invitation).
  17. Failure to make satisfactory settlement for any debts to the University.
  18. Failure to comply with University traffic rules and regulations.

The School shall have the authority to hold students accountable under this Code of Conduct for certain off-campus behaviors (i.e., behavior that does not occur on University premises or in the context of a University, School, or student organization sponsored event or activity) that adversely affects a substantial University or School interest. In determining whether the conduct adversely affects a substantial University or School interest, the following shall be considered:

  1. Whether the conduct constitutes or would constitute a serious criminal offense, regardless of the existence of any criminal proceedings.
  2. Whether the conduct indicates that the student presented or may present a danger or threat to the health or safety of himself, herself, or others.
  3. Whether the conduct demonstrates a pattern of behavior that impairs the University’s or School’s ability to fulfill its mission.