Applicants who have completed an accredited graduate-level degree in a theological program other than the Master of Divinity (e.g., a Master of Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Religion, etc.) or in a non-theological field are eligible to apply for admission to the Doctor of Ministry program. Such applicants must first complete all the above admissions steps except for step one.

The ATS accreditation standards for Doctor of Ministry programs (Standard 5.5) require applicants who do not hold a Master of Divinity (MDiv) to demonstrate how they meet the following criteria: 

  1. The ability to thoughtfully interpret scripture and the theological tradition of one’s ministry context.

  2. The capacity to understand and adapt one’s ministry to the cultural context.

  3. A basic self-understanding of one’s ministerial identity and vocational calling.

  4. A readiness to engage in ongoing personal and spiritual formation for one’s ministry.

  5. An accredited master’s degree (or its educational equivalent) in an area related to one’s ministry setting or vocational calling. 

  6. Significant ministerial experience that enables the applicant to engage as a ministry peer with other students in this advanced professional doctorate. 

Applicants who do not hold a Master of Divinity degree, but meet all other application requirements for the Doctor of Ministry program at Wake Forest University School of Divinity, are required to: 

  1. Complete an accredited graduate-level degree in an area related to one’s ministry setting or vocational calling.

  2. Prepare a letter that explains how the applicant meets each of the six criteria above. 

  3. Upload any documents or artifacts that provide evidence for each criteria. These documents should be provided under “Additional Documents” in the application. 

Please contact the D.Min. Director ( with any questions.