The following are the admissions requirements for the Doctor of Ministry program for those who have already earned a Master of Divinity degree.

Applicants are required to have:

  1. Completed a Master of Divinity from an institution accredited by the Association of Theological Schools or an equivalent accrediting body;

  2. Completed the application for the Doctor of Ministry program;

  3. Paid a $75 application fee;

  4. Earned, ordinarily, a minimum 3.0 GPA in the applicant’s highest earned graduate-level degree;

  5. Served at least three years in a full-time faith-based professional position or an equivalent in part-time experiences;

  6. Submitted the following materials:

    1. A statement of purpose in which applicants identify an area of ministry practice that they would like to explore in light of their vocational journey

    2. A 7-10 page sample of academic writing, with alternatives (i.e., other types of writing that evince analytical and reflective abilities and writing skills) for applicants who have not engaged in recent academic coursework. 

    3. Three letters of recommendation. Ordinarily, two recommendations will be provided by instructors from previous academic experiences. The third will be a professional recommendation. Students who have not engaged in recent academic coursework may substitute a professional recommendation for an academic recommendation.