Situations may arise in which a student believes that they have not received fair treatment by a representative of the University or has a complaint about the performance, actions, or inaction of the staff or faculty affecting a student.

Students are encouraged to seek assistance from their advisors or another member of the faculty or staff in evaluating the nature of their complaints or deciding on an appropriate course of action.

The School of Divinity provides the following process for students to voice concerns regarding specific academic or other grievances:

Step 1. Student concerns about professors or staff persons, specific courses, or other matters should begin with a conference with the particular professor or staff person, offering formal or informal statements of concern.

Step 2. If the concern is not resolved in consultation with the professor or staff person, then the student(s) should schedule a conference with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. At that time, an informal or formal statement of concern will be brought to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.

Step 3. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs will attempt to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of the relevant parties by convening a meeting between the student(s) and the professor or staff person. If the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs is the professor against whom the student(s) has the grievance, the student(s) may begin the appeal with the Dean of the School of Divinity.

Step 4. If the issue remains unresolved, the student(s) may appeal to the Dean of the School of Divinity who will meet with the student(s) and the professor or staff person and attempt to resolve the issue formally or informally. Formal grievances against the dean should be made to the University Provost. The provost will function in the dean’s role in the remaining steps of the process.

Step 5. If concerns remain, the student may initiate a formal grievance procedure. At this point, the student(s) should present the grievance in the form of a written statement of concern. Within 14 days, the dean will appoint a grievance committee composed of two faculty members and one student. The committee will meet with the student(s) making the appeal, the professor or staff person, and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for a full discussion of the grievance.

Step 6. The committee will make a recommendation to the dean who will communicate the final decision in writing to the student(s) and the professor or staff person.