The honesty, trustworthiness, and personal integrity of each student are integral to the life and purposes of the School of Divinity and of the broader Wake Forest community. When any student signs an application for admission to any of the schools of Wake Forest University, that student agrees to live by the honor system of the University. The mutual commitments and standards of conduct stipulated in the honor system derive from the founding of Wake Forest University and are a cornerstone of community life and relationships.

The Divinity School and the Graduate School share a formal Honor Code to provide guidance for student conduct with respect to academic pursuits. This policy may be accessed at the Graduate School website.

All students in the School of Divinity commit themselves to the following code:

We conduct our academic endeavors with honor, integrity, and professionalism. We do our own work, credit the work of others, and provide the full truth about our work.

Violations of the graduate student honor code include lying, cheating, stealing, vandalism, research misconduct, or failure to report an Honor Code violation by any graduate student in academic pursuits or within the university community. 

In most cases, allegations of violations are handled by the Graduate Honor Council, which includes both faculty and student representatives from the Graduate School and the School of Divinity. In some situations, allegations of violations may be handled by the administration and the faculty of the School of Divinity.